2015年12月22日 星期二

Hungarian Rhapsody No. XV

This is a very sweet melody, let people be fascinated ,, after a fierce ideological struggle to re-enter the peaceful meaning. A portion is demonstrating the silence of the night; after experiencing fierce ideological struggle into the quiet again; that psychological struggle of this series goes to show your heart was the performance of the rich colors, it is the romantic style that expresses its charm. "Hungarian Rhapsody No. XV's redeployment of the way is different from the traditional ones , a difference of the tune between before and after is seven key . Such redeployment makes the music immediately produce a fantastic and dreamy effect.

  The music is very fluency . The complex feeling is placed in a delicate emotional ups and downs of the melody.
  Perhaps it was Liszt's dual personality that dictates the clear difference from beginning to end , rendered crystal clear sound stage decoration and sentimental. And to the reproduction segment is turned into elegant, Originality. From the change ornament can be seen: beautiful genre add a little calm and quiet, there is a dash of burnout depression.


