2015年12月27日 星期日

《Forest Hymn》森林之歌,比爾·道格拉斯

Bill Douglas'   works insisted on classical aesthetic style, a kind of intractable mercifulness! He tried to use  religion like  transcendental music   to interpret  the earthly joys and sorrows,  it  has some quiet and a little  sadness, just like a soft wind  flowing through my heart. Listen to this music, as if my thoughts were drifting unknown dreams , which make you unconsciously indulge ..

《Forest Hymn》森林之歌,比爾·道格拉斯的作品堅持古典唯美風格,有種化不開的悲憫情懷!他試圖用宗教般的超然樂聲來詮釋現世的悲歡離合,此曲寧靜又帶些淡淡的傷感,像柔軟的風兒穿心而過。聆聽這樣的樂曲,彷彿思緒會飄向未知的夢境,讓你不知不覺中沉醉..


