2015年1月29日 星期四

Gracieux Trio / Ástor Piazzolla: Oblivion 皮亞佐拉 遺忘


When you fall asleep with 當你睡著了
your head upon my shoulder. 你的頭放在我的肩膀上
When you're in my arms 當你在我懷裡
but you've gone somewhere deeper. 但思緒已遠
Are you going to age with grace? 你會讓你的優雅伴你成長嗎
Are you going to age without mistakes? 你會逐漸走上不同的道路嗎
Are you going to age with grace, 你會讓你的優雅伴你成長嗎
Or only to wake and hide your face? 還是只是醒來後把麵容隱藏
When oblivion is calling out your name, 當遺忘在呼喚你的名字
You always take it further than I ever can. 你卻總在我前方
When you play it hard, 當你努力的玩
and I try to follow you there. 我試著跟著你到哪裡
It's not about control 這不是控制
but I turn back when I see where you go. 當我回頭,當我看到你要去哪裡
Are you going to age with grace? 你會讓你的優雅伴你成長嗎
Are you going to leave a path to trace? 你想要留下痕跡嗎
When oblivion is calling out your name, 當遺忘在呼喚你的名字
You always take it further than I ever can. 你卻總在我前方
When oh oblivion is calling out your name, 當遺忘在呼喚你的名字

You always take it further than I ever can. 你卻總在我前方
ourds, soudain semblent lourds
les draps et velours de ton lit
quand j'oublie jusqu'à notre amour
Lourds, soudain semblent lourds
tes bras qui m'entourent
déjà dans la nuit
Mon bateau part, s'en va quelque part
les gens se séparent,
j'oublie, j'oublie
Tard, autre part dans un bar d'acajou
des violons nous rejouent
notre mélodie, mais j'oublie
Tard, on se sépare dans un joue contre joue
tout devient flou et
j'oublie, j'oublie
Court, le temps semble court
le compte à rebours d'une nuit
quand j'oublie jusqu'à notre amour
Court, le temps semble court
tes doigts qui parcourent
ma ligne de vie.
Sans un regard,
des hommes on s'égare
sur un quai de gare,
j'oublie, j'oublie



Heavy, suddenly they seem heavy
the linen and velvets of your bed
when our love passes to oblivion
Heavy, suddenly they seem heavy
your arms embracing me
formerly in the night
My boat parts, it's going somewhere
people get separated,
I'm forgetting, I'm forgetting
Later, at some other place in a mahogany bar
the violins playing again for us
our song, but I'm forgetting
Later, it splits off to a cheek to cheek
everything becomes blurred and
I'm forgetting, I'm forgetting
Brief, the times seem brief
the countdown of a night
when our love passes to oblivion
Brief, the times seem brief
your fingers running all over
my lifeline.
Without a glance
people are straying off
on a train platform,
I'm forgetting, I'm forgetting


