2014年8月7日 星期四

Maria Callas - O Mio Babbino Caro - Giacomo Puccini

我親愛的爸爸  _ O Mio Babbino Caro

Lyrics 歌詞

Lauretta 撒嬌地唱給爸爸聽:


O mio babbino care,
Mi piace, e bello bello,
Vo andare in Porta Rossa
A comperar l anello!
Si,si ci voglio andare
e se l amassi indarno
andrei sui Ponte Vecchio
ma per buttaarmi in Arno!
Mi struggo e mi tormento!
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pieta, pieta!
Babbo, pieta, pieta! 


Oh my dear daddy
I love him, he is so handsome
I want to go to Porta Rossa
to buy the ring!
Yes, yes, I mean it
And if my love were in vain
I would go to Ponte Vecchio
and throw myself in the Arno!
I fret and suffer torments!
Oh God, I would rather die!
Daddy, have pity, have pity!
Daddy, have pity, have pity!
安琪拉蓋兒基爾 初登舞台即為全球樂界驚為天人,一致公認為歌劇史上夢寐以求的「完美女高音」,一如神話般真實再現,令人傾倒。安琪拉具有天賦無瑕的嗓音,更具有無雙絕世容顏,其唱工與舞台表演融合了卡拉絲、卡娜娃、蘇莎蘭等名伶的優點,冠絕古今。在蓋兒基爾還沒豎立演唱普契尼歌劇的美譽前,她是個令人期待的羅馬尼亞歌劇新星,在1994年的皇家歌劇院(柯芬園)演唱威爾第(Verdi)的《茶花女》(La Traviata),在當中飾演女主角薇奧莉塔(Violetta),她在這場演出中一鳴驚人,連當時的指揮喬治.蕭提(Georg Solti)爵士(這是他指揮生涯的最後一年),都說被這場演出感動地熱淚盈眶。Angela Gheorghiu  榮獲「法國紅勳獎」、受法國文化局褒揚為「藝術與文學榮譽員」及羅馬尼亞封她為「藝術與文學榮譽騎士」
親愛的爸爸 O mio babbino caro
G. Puccini 普契尼歌劇「強尼史基基」(Gianni Schicchi ) 的詠嘆調

還記得十幾年前一部轟動的愛情電影 -- 「窗外有藍天」(A Room With A View),當中一首配樂從此風靡世人,這首樂曲正是由女高音所唱的「O Mio Babbino Caro(我親愛的爸爸),出自普契尼的歌劇作品「Gianni Schicchi(姜尼史基基)
關於 普契尼 普契尼(Giacomo Puccini, 1858-1924) -- 是繼威爾第(Verdi, 1813-1901)之後,義大利最活躍的歌劇作曲家。

普契尼出生於音樂家庭,家族世代以音樂為業。然而普契尼到少年時期仍對音樂興趣缺缺,家人都十分焦慮,但因天份極高,在母親及父親學生的教導下,16歲即獲得風琴(organ)比賽第一名,19歲成為教堂的風琴師。 據聞普契尼18歲時,因觀賞了威爾第的歌劇「阿依達」(Aida),大為感動,從此立志當一名歌劇作曲家。

普契尼的歌劇作品大多選擇一般人較容易接受且富人情味的題材,劇情引人入勝,加上動聽的旋律,戲劇效果表現極強,不乏許多膾炙人口且家喻戶曉的代表作品,比如 -- 「波希米亞人」(La Bohème, 1896)、「扥斯卡」(Tosca, 1900)、「蝴蝶夫人」(Madama Butterfly, 1904) 等大傑作。
關於我親愛的爸爸O Mio Babbino Caro

在普契尼眾多的歌劇作品中,這部喜歌劇「姜尼史基基」並不算是傑出的作品之一,故事取材源自義大利詩人但丁(Dante)作品「神曲」(the Divine Comedy)中的一段描述。

大意是敘述富有的度那提(Donati)過世了, 由於其遺囑將全數財產捐給修道院,親人失望之餘找來足智多謀的姜尼史基基幫忙,姜尼史基基果然想出竄改遺囑的好辦法,由他本人假扮尚未過世的度那提先生,喬裝病重並請來醫生及公證人,重新改立遺囑,狡詐的姜尼史基基果然將部分財產轉分給親友,卻將最重要的財產分給自己,度那提的親人們雖氣憤,卻因害怕共謀竄改遺囑被抓入獄而不敢揭發。獲得龐大財產的姜尼史基基則名正言順的將大夥趕出去。

劇中姜尼史基基的女兒蘿莉塔(Lauretta)因懇求父親不要反對她和雷諾喬( Rinuccio)的戀情,讓她嫁給心愛的人,唱出這首動聽的詠嘆調 --O Mio Babbino Caro」,更是此齣歌劇最為著名的曲目。而疼愛女兒的姜尼史基基,在喬裝度那提竄謀財產時,也不希望女兒看到自己奸詐的一面,故意將她支開到陽台餵小鳥。

Angela Gheorghiu (born Angela Burlacu) (born September 71965) is a Romanian opera singer and one of the most famous and internationally acclaimed contemporary sopranos. Gheorghiu has a particular affinity for the operas ofVerdi and Puccini, as well as the verismo school.She is also considered a great interpreter of French roles. She also performs and records the music of her native Romania, encompassing operatic, lieder, popular and Orthodox church music.Biography
The daughter of a train driver, Gheorghiu (IPA[gejorgju] was born in AdjudRomania. Along with her sister Elena, she sang opera music from a very early age.At age 14, Gheorghiu went to study singing at the Bucharest Music Academy, primarily under Mia Barbu. Her graduation in 1990 coincided with the overthrow of Nicolae Ceauşescu, enabling her to seek out an international career immediately. Her professional opera debut took place at the Cluj Opera as Mimì (La bohème) in 1990, the same year she won the Belvedere International Competition.[2]
Gheorghiu made her international debut in 1992 at Covent Garden as Zerlina in Don Giovanni. She was offered Mimì in La bohème, a difficult role, but declined, preferring something less ambitious.She debuted at theVienna State Opera as Adina in L'elisir d'amore and at the Metropolitan Opera as Mimi in La bohème.
In 1994, she was auditioned by the conductor Sir Georg Solti for a new production of La traviata. When he heard her, he said: "I was in tears. I had to go out. The girl is wonderful. She can do anything!". Her debut as Violetta led her to international stardom.
She records many albums and complete recordings and often appears on TV or in concerts. La traviata with Solti was watched by more than 1 million of people in the United Kingdom
Gheorghiu has built her career slowly and carefully. She concentrates her repertoire in some roles with which she has great affinity: Violetta (La traviata), Mimì (La bohème), Magda (La rondine), Adina (L'elisir d'amore), Juliette (Roméo et Juliette) and some others. In 2003, she debuted as Nedda in Pagliacci and as Marguerite in Faust. A soprano with a large range and a dark coloured voice, Gheorghiu is also able to sing spinto roles. She has recorded Tosca (also made into a film directed by the French Benoît Jacquot) and Leonora in Il trovatore for EMI and sang in her first Tosca at theRoyal Opera HouseCovent Garden, in 2006. Her performance was an overall success, although because the famousZeffirelli production of 1964 was replaced by a new production (which premiered with her), there was comparison between the Toscas of Gheorghiu and Maria Callas, for whom the Zeffirelli production was designed.

Divorced from her first husband, from whom she retained her surname, Gheorghiu married the French-Italian tenorRoberto Alagna in 1996. The couple have sung together often on stage and on studio recordings. She was recently chosen the 74th most beautiful woman in the world by the magazine FHM. Gheorghiu is noted for her voice, her rare musicianship and the deep and intense portrayals of her characters. 


