2015年11月27日 星期五

Schubert "Auf dem Wasser zu singen".

Shimmering is under the sky , green water is rippling  ,a canoe is  like a swan floating on the water ; flat like a mirror. Green water is gently steady , but my heart is floating  like a canoe, the water is dyed red by sunset of the horizon ,its glow matches the canoe  exceptionally gentle and beautiful  . - Schubert  "Auf dem Wasser zu singen".

波光在闪耀,绿水正悠悠,一叶轻舟好比天鹅浮游; 波平似明镜,绿水静幽幽,我的心浮荡如一叶轻舟, 天边的晚霞染红了水流,霞光伴小舟分外轻柔。——致舒伯特《水上吟》


