2015年11月25日 星期三

昨天是“國際素食日”。它起源於1986年的印度,漸漸發展為一個世界性節日,這一天許多屠宰場停宰,飯堂、醫院、監獄等供應全素食品,當年就有超過950萬人響應該運動。希望大家也能盡量吃素,多呼籲吃素,這不但有利於個人的健康、智商、慈悲心,而且對緩解地球暖化非常有幫助.November 25 – International Vegetarian Day aka SAK Meatless Day – the birthday of Sadhu T. L. Vaswani (largely celebrated in India and throughout the Asian Pacific Rim nations, but known in Western nations among many vegetarians of Indian and Southeast Asian descent).

There is a common practice for some Chinese people to be vegetarian twice a lunar month. The first day and the 15th day of each lunar month. (初一)﹑(十五). The 15th day of each lunar month is the day/night with full moon.
Local vegetarian restaurants are particularly busy on those 2 days.

The origin of such practice is related to religious beliefs.


