2015年10月4日 星期日

A大調變奏曲《紀念帕格尼尼》Souvenir de Paganini

Souvenir de Paganini was supposedly written in summer,1829, after attending a concert of violin virtuoso Niccolo Paganini's ,who came to Warsaw . A month later, Chopin graduated from the Higher School of Music in Warsaw, where a teacher wrote, “Chopin, Fryderyk : third- year student, amazing capabilities, musical genius.

”For this piece of works , Artur once said so: "It did not reveal any traces of personalization." But we want to return a fair to this composer. His young man's fantasy proposed various charming's idea to let so formulaic tunes become beautiful . He did it to maintain a clear distance, as if that is in play. He then had taken out from among the stored works of decorative figure to use into his later maturity works .

  A major variations to this piece of works' performers need a kaleidoscope of change in technology , that means (dual-tone, staccato, tremolo, after the sentence, figure), even in one variation is required to have a lot of flexibility. That was because he wanted these places to cause the relaxed and carefree impression of the game.   A major variations to this piece of works' performers need a kaleidoscope of change in technology , that means (dual-tone, staccato, tremolo, after the sentence, figure), even in one variation is required to have a lot of flexibility. That was because he wanted these places to cause the relaxed and carefree impression of the game.






