2014年10月24日 星期五

Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 - Giovanni Bellucci, piano 1/2

If saying what kind of music while u are listening to can let u feel your soul be rinsed,the world at that moment no longer is confused and dirty as well,that must be Maestro Giovanni Bellucci's Liszt,his playing is subtle and delicate,the tone is cantabile,his skill is consummate.It has reached the realm of the pinnacle.No wonder many reporters of press spoke highly of his playing,said :He is Today's Liszt.如果說有何音樂可以在聆聽之中,感覺到靈魂被冼滌,世界似乎在那一瞬間不再混亂而污濁,那便是喬凡尼貝魯齊演奏的李斯特,他的演奏含蓄細膩,音色如歌,技巧已達爐火純青之境。難怪深獲各大媒體好評並稱其為當今的李斯特。Liz


