2016年3月31日 星期四



在過去的一年中,有120萬難民在歐盟國家申請避難。 Eurostat的數據顯示,超過44萬難民在德國申請了庇護,德國是歐盟國家中收到申請最多的。接下來是匈牙利(17萬+),瑞典(15萬+),奧地利(8萬+),意大利(8萬+)和法國(7萬+)。

我當時去了奧茲特里茨火車站(Gared'Austerliz) 旁邊橋下的難民集中點,他們搭了幾排帳篷,在那裡生活。難民們幾乎不會說法語,我們用英語問了他們一些問題,他們說自己乘船在海上漂泊了很多天,沒有食物,路上還死了幾個同伴,但他們依舊不後悔來到法國。
I went to one of the refugee centers near the Gared'Austerlitz where the refugees live in tents. They do not speak French. I asked them some questions in English. They said that they did not regret coming to France, even though they starved for days on a boat, and some of their friends had died on the way.
—— Liu Yang, 法國的中國留學生
我只有一次近距離見過難民,在波恩回杜塞爾多夫的EC 火車上,一整車都是難民,而且全是男性。來德國近十年我第一次見到擠了這麼多人的火車,過道裡也滿滿噹噹全是人,就跟早高峰上海的地鐵一樣。這種情況以前在德國從沒見過。
I had close contact with refugees once on the train from Bonn to Dusseldorf. The whole train was occupied by refugees, and all of them were male. That was the first time in 10 years I had seen a German train so crowded. Even the hallway was full of people. It was like the metro in Shanghai during peak hours.
—— A- ,“這就是德國”微博博主
Turkey has received a lot of refugees, and suddenly the streets are full of refugees. The Turkish people are treating the refugees very well.But this has not affected my life yet. One possible affect is that rents have surged and it is not easy to find houses anymore.
—— Zhang Shouxin ,土耳其的中國學生
My school has led a refugee integration program. It admitted a group of young refugees and invited students to teach them French voluntarily, so that they could integrate into society. One of my French friends teaches refugees French.
—— Zhao Shengyuan ,法國的中國學生
 我一個德國朋友,1.89 高,某天早上在去上班的路上,被難民犯罪分子拿鈍器敲了頭部和臉部,然後包被搶走了。我那朋友最後在醫院住了3 個星期,因為下巴被敲碎了。後來再談到關於難民引起的治安問題的時候,我的德國朋友們都說:“ 察覺到危險我會立刻撒腿就跑,能跑多遠跑多遠。因為體格上,難民們的體格也很不一般。”
I have a German friend who is 1.89 meters tall. One day he was attacked and hit on the head with a blunt object and his bag was taken - allegedly by a refugee. He had to stay in hospital for three weeks with a broken jaw. After that, all my German friends said they would run the minute they felt there was danger.
—— A- ,“這就是德國”微博博主
My best friend is German. She works at the Curie Institute and will complete a PhD at Cambridge University. Her grandfather was a refugee. As a refugee's descendant, she strongly supports the EU's decision to accept refugees. And, she thinks that accepting refugees will solve Europe's aging problem (although I doubt it).
—— Olivia, 在法國工作的華人
It was taboo for Swedish political parties to talk about stopping the refugees or sending refugees back. There is a right-wing party that openly speaks against accepting refugees. Before its popularity rating was extremely low and people called them fascists. But now, its popularity rating is ranked third in the country. It shows that the attitude of Swedes toward refugees is shifting from being very welcoming to being not very welcoming, especially young Swedes.
German media welcomed the refugees warmly during the first two months when Germany opened its borders to refugees. So did the German people. But later on, especially after the Cologne sex attacks, public opinion changed.
—— A- ,“這就是德國”微博博主
最近有很多媒體報導說其實有的難民也很傲嬌。北歐的秋天和冬天又黑又冷,很多難民不習慣,所以當他們乘坐的大巴車到了瑞典以後,有難民不肯下車。還有報導說,有一些年輕的難民到了瑞典下了車以後不是要水和食物,而是問哪裡可以給他們的iPad 充電。
Recently, there was news saying that some of the refugees were being quite picky. It is dark and cold in Northern Europe in winter and autumn. Some of the refugees refused to get off the bus when they arrived in Sweden. Also, it was said in the news that instead of asking for food and water, some young refugees were asking for places to charge iPads after arriving.
Personally, I think that, within my ability, I should help them. But the refugees and the extremists should not expect people to provide unlimited help. Also, one is not morally superior even if he or she helps the refugees.
—— Clark ,在法國工作的華人
Germany's policies for the refugees are too generous. It is easy to make others feel this is unfair.
—— Liu Qi ,德國的中國留學生
法國最好的政治學院science po 在前段時間甚至接收了一批難民學生(他們連法語都不會),而對華人留學生來說,進入這個學校意味著巨大的競爭和高額的學費。這個歐洲政治領導人誕生搖籃對難民的寬容讓人震驚。
Sciences Po, one of the finest French institutions in humanities and social sciences, recently accepted a large number of refugees. They didn't even speak French. But for Chinese students, it takes a lot of competition and tuition fees to enter such a school . The tolerance of this "cradle of European political leaders" toward refugees is astonishing.
—— Olivia, 在法國工作的華人
Personally I think it is a good thing that Germany accepts refugees. But Germany is reaching its limit. I don't think Germany has the capability of accepting too many refugees. Accepting refugees has had a big effect on Germany's security and economic development. So it is good to accept refugees, but they should know there is a limit, or there will be serious consequences.
—— Sun Xintong, 德國的中國學生
採訪:Yang Lan


