2016年3月13日 星期日

她是傳奇女詞人,有“千古第一才女”之稱。 “此情無計可消除,才下眉頭,卻上心頭。”“尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清, 淒淒慘慘戚戚。 乍暖還寒時候,最難將息。”她的一生輾轉漂泊,父親被貶、丈夫早逝,晚年孤苦無依。 1084年的今天,李清照出生。她的詩詞,你喜愛哪首?

聲聲慢 ─ 李清照


滿地黃花堆積。憔悴損,如今有誰堪摘?守著窗兒, 獨自怎生得黑?梧桐更兼細雨,到黃昏, 點點滴滴。這次第,怎一個、愁字了得!

Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to have a rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?
The wild geese pass—I feel heart-broken—since they are my old acquaintance.

All over the ground the yellow flowers in heaps.
Languished as I am, who will now pick them?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till nightfall?
Chinese parasol, plus drizzles on it, dripping and dripping till evening;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?

Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the strong wind in the evening?
The wild geese pass, they being my old acquaintance, heart-broken I’m feeling.

All over the ground, in heaps, the flowers yellow.
Languished as I am, who will pick them now?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till night falling?
Chinese parasol, plus drizzles on it, dripping and dripping till evening;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?



Slow slow tune (Li Qingzhao)

So dim, so dark,/So dense, so dull,/So damp, so dank,/So dead!/The weather, now warm, now cold,/Makes it harder than ever to forget!/How can thin wine and bread /Serve as protection/Against the piercing wind of sunset!/Wild geese pass over head/That they are familiar/Lets it more lamentable yet!

The ground is strewn with staid/And withered petals/For whom now should they be vase set?/By the window shut,/Guarding it along,/To see the sky has turned so black!/And on the cola nut/To hear the drizzle drown/At dust: Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!/Is this a mood and moment/Only to be called “sad”?

評﹕雖然用了七個D開頭的詞﹐乍一看很雷人的﹐但與原文開頭三短句毫無關係。 now warm, now cold是時暖時寒﹐不是乍暖還寒。 Makes it harder than ever to forget﹐是“最難將息”之意嗎﹖ bread﹖中國那時有麵包嗎﹖下面的意思還能搭得上界﹐不予置評了。但也不敢恭維。


Seeking, seeking, Chilly and quiet, Desolate, painful and miserable. Even when it's warmer there is still a chill It is most difficult to keep well. Three or two cups of light wine, How can they ward off the strong?
Wild geese fly past, while I'm broken-hearted; ButI recoze they are my old friends.

Fallen chrysanthemums piled up on the ground, So withered,Who would pluck them up now? Leaning on the window, How can I pass the time till night alone? The drizzle falls on the wutong trees, Raindrops drip down at dusk. At a time like this, What immense sorrow I must bear!

評﹕Chilly﹖把“冷”字直譯了。但這裡是“冷清”之意。 to keep well﹐將息﹖ the strong﹐並不一定指wind。可能掉詞了。總之﹐比林譯較達意。


I look for what I m​​iss; I know not what it is. I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. How hard is it To keep me fit In this lingering cold! By cup on cup Of wine so dry Oh , how could I Endure at dusk the drift Of wind so swift? It breaks my heart, alas, To see the wild geese pass, For they are my acquaintances of old.

The ground is covered with yellow flowers, Fadedand fallen in showers./Who will pick them up now?Sitting alone at the window, how Could I but quicken The pace of darkness that won't thicken?
On plane's broad leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles. Oh, what can I do with a grief Beyond belief!



I've a sense of something missing I must seek./Everything about me looks dismal and bleak./Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find./Even the weather has proved most unkind./It is warm, but abruptly it turns cold again./An unbroken rest most difficult to obtain./Three cups of thin wine would utterly fail./To cope with the rising evening gale./Myself, into woe, a flight of wild geese has thrown./But with them, very familiar I have grown.

About the ground, cluysandiernums are bestrewn./Gathering into heaps——bruised——withering soon./With myself in utter misery and gloom,/Who cares to save them from their approaching doom?/Standing by the window-watching in anguish stark ,/Could I bear alone the sight until it is dark?/Against the tung and plane trees, the wind rises high./The drizzle becomes trickles, as even draws nigh./How, in the word "Miserable", can one find -/The total effects of all these on the mind!

評﹕首四句與原文出入較大。 It is warm, but abruptly it turns cold again完全曲解原意。 bruised放在這裡﹐不知什麼意思。如說譯“損”字﹐“損”在憔悴後面﹐不在這裡。 Who cares to save them from their approaching doom?原文無此意。 watching in anguish stark原文無此意。 the wind rises high原文無此意。



滿地黃花堆積。憔悴損,如今有誰堪摘?守著窗兒, 獨自怎生得黑?梧桐更兼細雨,到黃昏, 點點滴滴。這次第,怎一個、愁字了得!

Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to have a rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?
The wild geese pass—I feel heart-broken—since they are my old acquaintance.

All over the ground the yellow flowers in heaps.
Languished as I am, who will now pick them?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till nightfall?
Chinese parasol, plus drizzles on it, dripping and dripping;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?

Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the strong wind in the evening?
The wild geese pass, they being my old acquaintance, heart-broken I’m feeling.

All over the ground, in heaps, the flowers yellow.
Languished as I am, who will pick them now?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till night falling?
Chinese parasol, plus drizzles on it, dripping and dripping;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?


“Seek, seek;” 居然還有這樣逐字譯詩的!這第一行,比用機器譯的強得有限。

“to have a rest full” 這是英文?

“Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?” 這是英文句子?

“since they are my old acquaintance.” 那裡得來的這個原因?是因為大雁走了詩人傷心,還是因為他們都孤苦?原詩沒有說原因。還是不說什麼因為所以為好,又不是寫論文。

“Keeping myself at the window, ” 真是逐字逐句地譯啊,可不是好英文。

“Chinese parasol, ” 誰都會搬字典,這樣譯梧桐樹也太機械了,毫無美感,李清照管那樹叫Chinese parasol, 怪怪的。跟著連plus這種詞也出來了,什麼​​文體?您就一點不對勁的感覺都沒有?

what can I do with the word “sorrow”? 那是李清照的意思,還是你的意思?英文讀者會說,You swallow it. 這也叫詩?


