2021年2月9日 星期二

 New Year's Day

Wang Anshi

Amid the boom of firecrackers a year has come to an end,

And the spring wind has wafted warm breath to the wine.

While the rising sun shines over each and every household,

People would put up new peachwood charm for the old.

《元日》 王安石



New Year's Day
Wang Anshi

Amid the boom of firecrackers a year has come to an end,
And the spring wind has wafted warm breath to the wine.
While the rising sun shines over each and every household,
People would put up new peachwood charm for the old.



 好幾年前大陸人寫的這段文字~ (不過我會加上一 這句:男女都不能互碰的底線。) 男人都有自己的底線,尤其是這三條,所以身為女人,千萬不要去碰,否則後果真的很嚴重。 第一,不要去跟其他男人玩曖昧,這是男人絕對不能碰的底線,而且一碰就直接出局,什麼網聊啊,看電影呀,和別的男人喝酒啊...