2015年9月5日 星期六


Eleven foot formations, 27 armament formations, 10 aircraft formations and two veteran teams will be included in the parade, which commemorates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the end of World War II.
11個徒步方隊(foot formations),由三軍儀仗隊(the guard of honor of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Three service)和10個英模部隊方隊(10 formations of units with roots in the outstanding representatives of the anti-Japanese forces)組成。英模部隊方隊主要由前身為八路軍(Eight Route Army)、新四軍(New Fourth Army)、東北抗聯(Northeast China Anti-Japanese United Forces)、華南游擊隊(South China Guerrillas)的現役英模部隊組成。
2個抗戰老同志乘車方隊(​​2 formations of veterans in vehicles),由大陸遴選的、目前健在的國共兩黨抗戰老兵(the anti-Japanese forces led by the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang Party)、我黨我軍和國民黨抗日英烈後代(children of fallen soldiers from the CPC and KMT),以及抗戰支前模范代表(outstanding members of forces that supported the front line)組成。
Established for just a year, Chinese armed police motorcycle guard formation will make its debut on the V-Day Parade that will be held on Sep 3 in Beijing. [Photo/81.cn]
27個裝備方隊(armament formations),按照作戰體係要求編組,包括地面突擊(ground combat)、防空反導(air defense and missile defense)、海上攻擊(maritime attacks)、戰略打擊(strategic strikes)、信息支援(communication support)、後裝保障(logistics and armament support)等模塊,由陸軍(Army)、海軍(Navy)、空軍(Air Force)、第二砲兵(Second Artillery)、武警部隊(Armed Police)和四總部直屬部隊聯合編成,展示的武器裝備均為國產主戰裝備,84%是首次亮相。
10個空中梯隊(air echelons),包括空中護旗方隊(air flag guard formation)、領隊機梯隊(the leading aircraft echelon)、預警指揮機梯隊(airborne early warning and control aircraft)、轟炸機梯隊(bombers) 、殲擊機梯隊(fighters)、海軍艦載機梯隊(carrier-based aircraft)、海上巡邏機梯隊(maritime patrol aircraft)、加受油機梯隊(refueling and receiver echelon)、直升機梯隊(helicopters),涵蓋了我軍現有先進作戰和保障機種。
解放軍聯合軍樂團和合唱團(The people's Liberation Army Combined Band and Chorus),擔負紀念活動現場的奏唱任務。主要由解放軍軍樂團和從全軍部隊抽調的軍樂骨幹,以及從全軍7所軍事院校學員抽調約2400多人組成。
此次閱兵方隊還有一大亮點,那就是有17個外軍方隊(foreign formations)和代表隊(representative teams)接受檢閱。

