2014年6月1日 星期日

Bring Me the Sunflower By Eugenio Montale

Bring Me the Sunflower By Eugenio Montale

Bring me the sunflower so I can transplant it
here in my own field burned by salt-spray,
so it can show all day to the blue reflection of the sky
the anxiety of its golden face.

Darker things yearn for a clarity,
bodies fade and exhaust themselves in a flood
of colors, as colors do in music. To vanish,
therefore, is the best of all good luck.

Bring me the plant that leads us
where blond transparencies rise up
and life evaporates like an essence;
bring me the sunflower sent mad with light.



  https://www.facebook.com/share/v/19qxxyZyaP/?mibextid=WC7FNe 原本不認識這個歌手,就有朋友會員學員一直說她和我長得很像,連我寶兒也這樣說,就推薦給會裡了