2020年12月18日 星期五

我是典型的大中華主義者,絕不願意看到任何華人子孫吃裏扒外,被部分反華外國勢力曾經,現在或將來所分裂,也絕對的鄙視一些華人為了權力和金錢勾結外國勢力瓦解華人的團結,阻撓華人的進步。I am a typical Great Chineseists I would never want to see those Chinese descendants who are deceitful lying piece of junk , live on Chinese but secretly helping those for fighting against China , used to be  ,are or will be divided by some anti-Chinese foreign forces. And I absolutely despise some Chinese who collude with foreign forces for power and money to break the unity of the Chinese and obstruct the Chinese improvement.


