2019年6月21日 星期五



這些大大咧咧的一個星座,怪不得大家都叫Ta“甜,,Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta白羊,白羊可以說是一個初始屬性不高,但卻是一個成長資質很高的星座,很多人眼裡的白羊都是一副嘻嘻哈哈隨心所欲的樣子,說話不過腦,跟著自己潛意識走,樂觀自信盲目,所以就給了很多人一種錯覺,別人會認為這個人怎麼這麼耿直啊,這人說話怎麼那麼衝動啊,但當白羊意識到問題,這時他的腦子轉彎轉的比誰都快,鉭們在大部分時候會為了面子,找一個權衡之際,而且很會裝傻,就是在權衡利弊之後作出對的選擇去彌補,當每次衝動的性格吃了虧,白羊都會吸取教訓悄悄下去改正,是一個最能夠發生蛻變的星座,這難道不是一種大智若愚的聰明嗎?


1.如果你心裡有別人了,講清楚,我退出。2。如果你對別人有感覺,講清楚,我退出。3。如果你不想愛了,我放棄4。如果你心裡還有我,請忘了別人,對我好一點 5。如果你覺得對不起我,而放棄愛別人,這樣的同情我不要 6。如果你從來就沒愛過我,要么你滾, 要么我滾。

2019年6月19日 星期三


作者 | 米粒媽
她每天晚上,把每個科目,每天學的內容,各做5、6本課外練習冊來鞏固(她做得真是飛快,她做5、6本的時間,我差不多勉強能做完1本) 。
她告訴我:“西點軍校除了培養出了美國最多的將軍(麥克阿瑟、艾森豪威爾、巴頓將軍……),還培養出了世界財富500強中,1000多名歷屆董事長,2000多名副董事長, 5000多名歷屆CEO。全美國任何一所商學院都沒有培養出這麼多的管理精英。”

上大學的時候,一位最好的哥兒們,在姑姑的影響下,10歲就給自己起了英文名叫Stanley,因為從小的目標是要進“Morgan Stanley”(摩根斯坦利)。

出國之前,我滿腦子是“好好學習”——每門課都考A+,考出接近滿分的GPA和金光閃閃的GRE,得到教授的推薦信,申請牛校的研究生,然後去華爾街或矽谷找一份光鮮亮麗的工作。 。 。總而言之,成為一個精緻的利己主義者。
“男高女低”的婚配模式越來越少,通過婚姻實現階層跨越,越來越難了。 “你是誰,就會嫁給誰”。

2019年6月15日 星期六


Consort  明妃
    Dakini 空行母
    Deity 明王
    Dipamkara 燃燈佛;寶光佛
    Dipamkara 寶光佛;燃燈佛
    Disciplinarian 鐵棒喇嘛
    Dorje 多傑(藏文:金剛)
    Dorje 金剛
    Drakpa 和尚(藏文)剛)
    Dratsang 扎倉(學校)
    Drepung 哲蚌寺
    Drepung Monastry 哲蚌寺(拉薩三大寺之一)
    Drolma 卓瑪(藏文:度母)
    Drolma 度母(女菩薩)
    Empty 空
    Enthronement 坐床
    Esoteric Buddhism 密宗
    Form 色
    Formless 空
    Ganden Monastry 甘丹寺(拉薩三大寺之一)
    Ge-kor 鐵棒喇嘛薩三大
    Great Perfection 大園滿
    Gulug (Yellow hat) 格魯派
    Guru 和沿(梵文)
    Hayagriva 馬頭明主
    Hinayana 小乘
    Hutukta 活佛(蒙文) (最好不要用)
    Incarnated lama 轉世活佛
    Jampa 彌勒慈氏
    Jokhang Temple 大昭寺
    Kalachakra 时轮(金刚)
    Kangyur 甘珠尔(佛语)
    Karmapa 葛玛巴
    Khangtsen 康村(宿舍)
    Khatag 哈达
    Khenpo 堪布(主持)
    Kumbum 塔尔b
    Kunbum M. 堪布寺(在西宁)
    Labrang M. 拉卜楞寺(甘南)
    Lama 喇嘛,指大和尚
    Lineage 传承
    Lobsang 洛桑
    Losang 洛桑
    Lozang 洛桑
    Mahakala 大黑天(本教中神的名字)
    Mahayana 大乘
    Main Assembly Hall 大经堂
    Maitreya 弥勒慈氏
    Mandala 檀城
    Mandala 曼陀螺
    Manjushri 文殊(菩萨)
    Mantra 咒语
    Master 上师 (和尚)
    Material 色
    Medicine Buddha 药师佛
    Monastry 寺院(比Temple大)
    Monk 和尚( 小)
    Monlam 默然大法会
    Monlam 传昭大法会
    Mudra 手印
    Nga 阿
    Ngari 阿里
    Nirvan 涅盘
    Nyingma 宁玛
    Order 教派
    Padma 莲花
    Padmasambhava 莲花生
    Pagoda 佛塔
    Palkor Chode 白居寺
    Panchen Lama 班禅
    Partner 明妃
    Pelden Lhamo 吉祥天女
    Pelden Lhamo 班丹拉母
    Potala 布达拉宫
    Prayer meeting festival 传昭大法会
    Prayer wheel 传经筒
    Ramoche Temple 小昭寺
    Reincarnation 灵童
    Rinpoche 活佛(通用)
    Sakya (Stripe hat) 花派(萨迦)
    Sect 教派
    Sera Monastry 色拉寺(拉萨三大寺之一)
    Shakyamuni 施加摩尼
    Shantarakshita 寂护
    Shantarakshita 静命
    Sharipu 舍利子 (骨灰)
    Sku-Vbumchen-mo 白居寺
    Sontzen Gampo 松赞干布
    Soul mountain 魂山
    Soul yak 魂牛l
    Stupa 灵塔p
    Sutra Chanting Hall 大经堂a
    Taer 塔尔r
    Tara 度母(女菩萨)
    Tashilhunpo Monastry 扎时伦布寺(在日喀泽)
    Temple 寺庙
    Tengyur 丹珠尔(论部)喀泽)
    Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教
    Tibetan Studies 藏学
    Tibetan Tripitaka 大藏经
    Tibetology 藏学
    Tradition 教派
    Trulku 活佛(藏文)
    Tsam-pa 糌粑
    Tsamba 糌粑
    Tsang 后藏
    Tsongkhapa 宗喀巴
    U 前藏
    Union of happiness 乐空双运
    Vajra 金刚
    Vajrayana 密宗
    White Tara 白度母
    Yamataka 阿曼德迦;大威
    Yamataka 怖畏金刚
    Yidam 本尊 1. Lek Trima 妙绘赞
2. Arya Tara 圣救度母
3. Great Prayer Festival 传昭大法会
4. Gongkhar 贡嘎
5. Dolma Lhakhang 卓玛拉康
6. Atisha 阿底峡尊者
7. Yogi 瑜珈士
8. Yogini 瑜珈女
9. Vajrayogini 金刚瑜伽母、那洛卡居空行母
10.Prajna Paramita 般若波罗蜜多
11.Ushnisha Vijaya 尊胜佛母
12.Norbu Lingka 罗布林卡寺
13.Jokhang 大昭寺
14.Ladakh 拉达克
15.Lahoul 拉荷
16.Spitti 斯比忒
17.Kinnaur 科努尔
18.Sankrit 梵文
19.Tantra Way 密法/密乘
20.sang-gyey 桑结
21.psychophysical aggregate 聚
22.shakyamuni 释迦牟尼
23.Sutra Way 显法/显乘
24.nun 觉姆(尼姑)
25.Dharma 佛法(法宝)
26.Sangha 僧伽(僧宝)
27.Buddhas 佛陀(佛宝)
28.refuge 皈依
29.dkon-mchog-gsum 贡却松(三宝)
30.rtsa 扎
32.lineage master 传承(上师)
33.means 法门
34.Yidam 本尊
35.dakas 勇父
36.dakinis 空行母
37.meditation deities 观想主尊
38.mandala deities 坛城主尊
39.self-identification 自观
40.Dharma 法
41.Trisong Deutsen 藏王赤松德赞
42.propitiate 供奉
43.Dharmakaya 法身、真身、佛性
44.Palden Lhamo 吉祥天母、白拉日卓
45.form 相
46.Bikkshumi Lakshmi 比丘尼罗乞什密
47.Vajra Dakas 金刚勇父
48.Dharmapalas 护法
49.Primordial 本初的
50.awareness 觉性
51.Arya Avalokiteshvara 观世音菩萨
52.Tashi Jong 大吉镇
53.Himachal Pradesh 喜马恰尔-布拉代什
54.Drukpa kargyu 竹巴噶举
55.invocation 祈祷
56.epithet 尊号
57.rGyal-bai-yum 诸佛之母
58.Jina 耆那(梵语)
59.mara 魔罗
60.Tathagatas 如来
61.Klesha(delusion) 烦恼魔
62.skandhas 蕴魔
63.yama 死魔
64.devaputra 天魔
65.discourse 说法
66.line 颂
67.karma 因缘,业
68.Three kayas 三身
69.Samboghakaya 报身
70.Nirmanakaya 应身
71.transcendent buddha 胜义佛
72.Asanga 无著大师
73.emptiness 空性
74.infinity 无生
75.In Praise of the 108 Names of Arya Tara;hLa-mo-sgrol-mai-mtshan-brgya-rtsa-brgyad-pa 《度母一百零八相释论》
76.prana 能量
77.vayu 风神、瓦尤
78.samsara 轮回
79.sentient being 有情众生
80.abominable 魔
89.Bodh Gaya 菩提伽耶
90.Drom Tonpa 敦仲巴
91.Chintachakra Tara 如意轮度母
92.tsewang 长寿灌顶(次旺)
93.public initiation 公开法会
94.tantra 部
95.Kriya 事部
96.Vajra Dakinis 金刚空行母
97.TAM 谭字
98.AH 阿
99.Om 嗡
100.moon disk 月轮

101.utpala 青莲花
102.emerge 出定
103.throne 法座
104.mudra 手印
105.mudra of supreme generosity 与愿印
106.siddhi 证得、悉地
107.mahamudra 大印
108.clairvoyance 千眼通
109.mudra of bestowing refuge 皈依印
110.hero/heroine posture 结半跏趺坐
111.Amitabha 阿弥陀佛
112.Padma family 莲花部
113.charya 行部
114.semi-wrathful 半怒相
115.Kurukulle 作明佛母、咕噜咕列佛母
116.liturgy 礼拜
117.Dolma Mandal Zhichok 度母四曼陀罗仪轨
118.merit 功德
119.Dharamsala 达兰萨拉
120.Manjushri 文殊菩萨
121.Vajrapani 金刚手菩萨
123.Rigsum Gonpo 圣三部主
124.ambrosia 不死的神肴、不死的智慧
125.iconography 造像
126.peace 息
127.increase 增
127.power 怀(摄)
128.wrath 诛(伏)
129.Sakya 萨迦
130.mahasiddha 大法师
131.Virupa 毗卢婆
132.Yamantaka 大威德金刚
133.Hevajra 欢喜金刚
134.yab-yum form 双身相、父母尊
135.Gelukpa 格鲁派
136.Panchen 班禅
137.Tashi Lhunpo 札什伦布寺
138.buddha karma 佛业
139.Vajradhara 金刚总持
140.Dipamkara Shrijnana 吉祥燃灯智
141.Perfection of Wisdom Sutra 般若波罗蜜多经
142.Vajrabhairava 怖畏金刚
143.Yamantaka 怖畏金刚、大威德金刚
144.Vajra Vetali 白达里空行母
145.mudra of teaching 说法印
146.mudra of meditation mudra 禅定印
147.incarnation 转世
148.emanation 化身
149.Ling Tulkus 贝斯林祖古
150.lapis lazuli 璧琉璃
151.wishing jewel 许愿珠
152.Rakta Yamari 怒尊甘露漩
153.Yunten Dorjey Pal 仁钦南杰
154.Buton Rinchen Drup 布顿仁钦朱
155.exorcism 驱魔
156.phurpa 普巴杵
157.Zhalu 夏鲁
158.Jonang 觉囊
159.Bodong Chokley Namgyal 波东宁玛
160.Mahakala 玛哈嘎拉(大黑天护法)
161.pristine wisdom awareness 正净觉
162.dharani 真言
163.Parnashavari 叶衣佛母
164.Shantideva 寂天
165.secondary mindset 心所
166.Three quintessential spiritual power 三善根(慈悲、智慧、信愿)学佛三要
167.Sarma 沙玛(新译派)
168.Terma Lineage 伏藏传承、短传承、岩传
169.Karma Lineage 长传承、教传
170.Pure Vision Lineage 净观传承
171.Sakya Trizin 萨迦天钦
172.Karma Kargyu 噶玛噶举派
173.Tai Situpa 大司徒
174.Amritsar 阿姆利则
175.vajra posture 结金刚印
176.Padma Sambhava 莲花生大师
177.sadhana 成就法
178.heart chakra 心轮
179.visualization 成就显现
180.Marichi 具光佛母/光明佛母
181.Ekajati 独髻佛母
182.Om Amarani Sivandiye Soha 唵 阿玛兰尼 只温地易 疏哈
183.commentary 释
184.HRIH 赫利
185.Siddharani 希达拉尼
186.Siddhas 成就者
187.Katmandu Valley 加德满都谷地
188.Ashoka 阿育王
189.stupa 佛塔
190.Shigatsey 拉萨
191.Chokhor Gyal 恰催寺
192.mahasiddha Jetari 只多梨
193.Rechungpa 惹琼巴尊者
194.Milarepa 米勒日巴
195.Marpa Lotsawa 玛尔巴译师
196.Naropa 那洛巴
197.Mahasiddha Tipupa 帝普巴大师
198.Dharma Dodey 塔玛多德
199.Amitayus-Hayagriva Combined 无量寿佛与马头明王合修法
200.chulen 秋练

201.chakra 静修
202.Machik Labdon 成就之后/玛姬拉尊
203.nine-deity mandala 九尊坛城
204.four mindfulness 四正觉
205.four miracle power 四神行
206.Bhrama the Creator 梵天
207.offering 供奉
208.Namgyal Dratsang 尊胜扎仓
209.Ganden Potrang of Drepung Monastery 哲蚌寺的甘丹宫
210.Namgyalma Tong Cho 燃灯供佛,“通促
211.Namgyal Enclave 尊胜殿
212.Ushnisha Sita Tapatra 大白伞盖佛母
213.Tsuktor Karmo 初妥卡嫫
214.chakras 轮穴
215.Panchen Sonam Drakpa 班禅索南扎巴
216.padma 莲花
217.Tathagata 如来
218.lord of the family 部尊
219.principal tantra 部主
220.Akshobya 阿门佛、金刚不动佛
221.ushnisha kriyas 无垢佛顶
222.nagas 龙族
223.Drikung Kargyu 直贡噶举派
224.Kalachakra 时轮节
225.Tso Pema 莲师湖
226.Drikung Chetsang Rinpochey 直贡澈赞仁波切
227.mya ngan med pai shing 无忧树
228.conventional wisdom 世间慧
229.conventional reality 世俗谛
230.Dayab 大雅
231.Kham 康区
232.Dravidian 德拉威
233.Tenma Chunyi 丹玛女神、丹玛久妮
234.PAM 榜字
235.Chogyal Pakpa 秋吉八思巴
236.Kublai Khan 忽必烈
237.Thirteen Golden Dharma 十三种金法
238.Wanggi Lhamo 旺吉拉姆
239.Vajrapanjara 金刚班札拉
240.reality 本真,实相
241.mudra of mandala offering 献曼陀罗手印
242.Sakya Pandita 萨迦班智达
243.Genghis Khan 成吉思汗
244.Magzor Gyalmo 玛佐嘉摩
245.Simhamukha 狮面空行佛母/森多玛
246.Uddiyana 乌地亚那
247.Kadam 噶当
248.Samantabhadra 普贤王如来佛父/佛母;大日如来
249.Khatvanga staff 骷髅杖
250.Sherab Chamma 希然湛玛、智慧
251.Bonpo 苯教'
252.Tonpa Shenrab 敦巴辛饶
253.Tazig 塔吉克
254.zhang zhung 象雄
255.Amdo 安多
256.swastika “卍”。 永恒不变之意
257.ultimate reality 胜义有
258.Sipai Gyalmo 思巴嘉摩
259.Nairatmya 无我佛母
260.liberation 解脱
261.enlightment 证悟
262.upaya 方便
263.karmamudra 事业手印、实女
264.Kye-rim 生起次第
265.Dzog-rim 圆满次第
266.ambassador buddha 接引佛
267.Nyang Tingzin Zangpo 那恩-登增桑布
268.Guhyasamaja 密集金刚、桑堆
269.Sparshavajri 触摸金刚母
270.Mamaki 玛玛齐佛母
271.Gyumey 下密院、举麦
272.Gyuto 上密院、举堆
273.King Indrabhuit 奥利沙国王因陀罗浦谛
274.Nagarjuna 龙树
275.Goe Lotsawa 嘎大译师
277.Tsongkhapa 宗喀巴
278.Akshobhyavajra 密集不动金刚
279.Vajrabhairava '大威德金刚 /梵名''阎魔德迦'',藏语为''多吉久谢'', 意为''怖畏金刚'',汉译大威德明王
280.Yama 阎魔护法
289.Chamundi 伽蒙迪佛母
290.vaishravana 毗沙门天财神护法
291.Setrap Chen 护法
292.Visvamata 流动回音
293.Shambala 香巴拉,净土
294.the Primordial Buddha 本初佛
295.Clear Light 明光
296.tong zuk 空相
297.Visvamata 一切母
298.Pandarika 潘达日卡
299.Mahamaya 摩诃摩耶
300.Chakrasamvara 胜乐金刚

301.Vajravarahi 金刚亥母(Vajrayogini - Vajravarahi). 藏名译音: 多杰帕嫫(Dorje Pagmo).
302.Luipa 鲁依巴
303.Krishnacharya 坎哈
304.Ghantapada 刚塔帕达
305.Kailash 岗仁波齐峰
306.Indus 印度河、
307.Ganges 恒河
308.Brahmaputra 雅鲁藏布江
309.Heruka 嘿噜嘎
310.Chemchog Heruka 大殊胜嘿噜嘎
311.Panjarnatha 怒相
312.Vajrakila 普巴金刚/普巴多杰
313.Triptachakra 洛格津母
314.David Snellgrove 大卫•;施耐尔格罗夫
315.Sakya Trizin 萨迦崔津法王
316.Vajrakila dagger 普巴杵
316.Mahayoga 大瑜伽
317.Khon 昆氏传承
318.system 法系
319.Jamgon Kongtrul 蒋贡康楚
320.Samya 桑耶寺
321.Walchen Gekho 大密怒尊
322.Lokbar Tsamey 洛巴查姆
323.Sangwa Dragchen 先瓦
324.Garuda 大鹏金翅鸟
325.adibuddha 本初佛
326.Tazig 塔吉克
327.subtle energy 灵量
328.Dravidian 达罗毗荼
329.Aryan 雅利安
330.Vishnu 毗湿奴
331.Brahma 梵天
332.bardo 中阴
333.Sukkhasiddhi Lhamo 苏卡悉地•;拉姆
334.visionary 幻像
335.mahasiddhas 大成就者
336.Tilopa 帝罗巴
337.tummo 拙火
338.Karmapa 噶玛巴
339.meditation belt 禅修带
340.Pamtingpa 帕丁巴
341.Parping 帕平
342.damaru '达玛鲁
343.Jamyang Khyentsey Wangpo 嘉央钦萨旺波
344.abbot 修士
345.vajrayana 金刚乘
346.Lam Drey 道果法
347.instruction 教法、要诀
348.karmic connnection 业缘
349.Dombi Heruka 东碧嘿鲁噶
350.Sita Yogini 悉他瑜珈母
351.Niguma 尼古玛
352.Sukhasiddhi 丽严悉地
353.curved knife 钺刀
354.sharmapa 夏尔玛
355.tulkus 祖古
356.Padampa Sangyey 当巴桑杰
357.Troma Nagmo 卓玛那嫫,黑空行母
358.Metok CHulen 墨脱秋练
359.Naljorma Karmo 那卓玛卡嫫
360.Krisna Krodha Dakini 卓玛那嫫黑空行母
361.Zhichey Chod 能断派。施身法
362.Jetsun Dampa 当巴至尊
363.Amdo 安多
364.Dujom Rinpochey 敦珠仁波切
365.Vehicle 乘
366.Hinayana 小乘
367.Mahayana 大乘
368.Vajrayana 金刚乘
369.Samaya Tara Yogini 三昧耶度母
370.Damtsig Dolma Naljorma 达希克朵玛那卓玛
371.Buddhagupta 佛陀笈多
372.Taranatha 多罗那他
373.Kyilkhor 吉科尔
374.misconception 谬见、执取
375.authentic wisdom 正觉
376.dhyana 禅定
377.mindfulness 正念
378.miracle leg 如意足
379.samadhis 三昧
380.dharani 陀罗尼
381.Gyangtsey 江孜
382.khandaroha 莲花空行母
383.Rupini 宝生空行母
384.Naro Khechari 那若卡居空行母
385.Tu****a 兜率净土
386.Maitreya 弥勒菩萨
387.Amitabha 阿弥陀佛
388.khechara 卡雀林
389.rainbow body 虹光身、虹身
390.Bhaishajyaguru 药师佛
391.The Root Medical Tantra: The Essence of Ambrosia 《总则本》
392.Bhaishajyaguru 药师琉璃光如来
393.Sachen Kunga Nyingpo 萨钦贡噶宁波
394.Amoghasiddhi '不空成就佛
395.Pandara Vashini 白衣佛母
396.Vajradhatvishvari 金刚自在天女
397.Ratnasambhava 宝生如来
398.Lochani 我母菩萨
399.shintu Drakpo 欣图乍波
400.dharmaraja 法王
401.Ganapati 四臂象头王财神
402.Ganesha 甘奈施
403.Pehar Gyalpo 白哈尔神王
404.Oddiyana 乌金国
405.Dorjey Shugden 多杰桑登,口吐霹雳者;
406.Dilgo Khyentey Rinpochey 顶果钦哲法王
407.Chitipati 尸林主
408.arya desha 圣地
409.Shing 木
410.labrang 拉卜楞寺
411.Mahakali 摩诃迦利、玛哈嘎里
412.Khanak Dorje Gyalpo 卡那多杰嘉波
413.divination 占卜
414.Tseringma Chey Nya 次仁玛切雅
415.Zhizhi Pangma 希夏邦马峰
416.Panchen Lobzang Yeshey 班禅罗桑益西
417.Khachen Yeshey Galtsen 嘉钦益西加森
418.Dorjey Rabtenma 多杰拉布珍玛
419.Tengyur canon 《丹珠尔大藏经》
420.cham 恰木、跳神舞会
421.Rahula 罗睺罗
423.Shiva Puranas 湿婆往世书
424.Khadroma Tsomo Chechang Marmo 红舌空行母后
425.Gonpo Shanglon 贡布香农
426.Myroblyan 龙树
427.Sinpoi Tsomo Jigjey Marmo 红色怖畏空行母后
428.Bhairava 怖畏
429.Desi Sangyey Gyatso 德西桑吉嘉措
430.Lhamo Dorjey Yudonma 拉姆多杰云卓、金刚玉灯母、金刚玉卓女、金刚玉卓玛
431.Lhama Tashi Tseringma 祥寿佛母扎西次仁玛
432.Vaisravana 多闻天王
433.Yeshey Tsogyal 耶喜措嘉
434.Sakya Jetsunma 哲尊妈
435.Jetsunma Khadrola 杰尊加朵拉
436.Dorjey Pakmo 多杰帕嫫
437.Gyalwa Gotsang 嘉华格桑
438.novice nun 沙弥尼
439.Indrabhuti 因扎菩提
440.Saka Dawa 释迦圣月
441.Khyungpo Naljor 琼波那爵
442.Saraha 萨惹哈
443.Taranatha 多罗那他
444.Doha 证道歌
445.Chinta Yogini 钦塔瑜珈女
446.Padmapani Avalokiteshvara 白莲花王观音
447.Shantirak****a 寂护
448.Tonyon Samdrup 陀巴桑智
449.Gyalwa Dondup 嘉华敦杜
450.Pratyekabuddhas 辟支佛
451.shravakas 阿罗汉
452.Kashyapa 迦叶佛
453.Bihar 比哈尔邦
454.Gautama 乔答摩
455.ordination 剃度
456.Bhagawan 世尊
457.Lalitavistara Sutra 普曜经
458.bodhimind 菩提心
459.vajra samadhi 金刚三摩地
460.bhadrakalpa 贤劫
461.auspiciopus eon 贤劫
462.Kyichu 祈楚河谷
463.Khotan 和阗
464.ngedon 了义
465.drangdon 不了义
466.chopa 会供
467.gompa 禅修
468.reality 真如实相
469.tripitaka 经.律.论 三藏
470.Vinaya 毗那耶、律藏、强调戒律
471.Abhidharma 阿毗达摩、论藏、强调智慧
472.Sutra 修多罗、经藏、
473.bodhichitta 菩提心
474.bodhisattva 菩提萨埵
475.jatakas 本生经
476.consecration 开光
478.Ramochey 叶莫切寺
479.santana 命脉、传承
480.Rupakaya 色身
481.Abhisamaya alamkara 《现观庄严论》
482.rGyu-gi-lam 因道
483.Guhya mantra yana 密言乘
484.Guhya 密
485.abide in 安住
486.ultimate 究竟
487.divine proud 佛慢
488.vision of radiance 明相
489.supported 能依
490.supporting 所依
491.bindhu 精
492.Nyatri Tsenpo 聂赤赞普
493.Gampopa '冈波巴
494.Dvakpo 达瓦波
495.Khon Kongchog Galpo 贡觉杰布
496.Drogmi 卓弥译师
497.dharmadhatu 法界
Source: from the internet 出处:网上资源
abbot's quarters 方丈室 *
the Abhidharma-kosa-Shastra 《俱舍论》
Abhidharma Pitika 论藏
the Abstract of Abhidharma-kosa-Shastra 《俱舍大要》
the Abstract of the Awesome Deportments of Ten Shramanera Precepts 《沙弥十戒威仪录要》
the Accomplishment Buddha 成就佛 *
accordingly rejoice 随喜 *
acharya 阿阇梨 *
affinities 因缘 * (with emphasis on good relationships)
aid 加持 *
the Akshobhya Buddha 阿閦佛 *
Alaya-Consciousness 阿赖耶识 = Storehouse Consciousness 藏识 *
the Agama Sutra 《阿含经》
All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛.*
almsgiver / giving host 施主 *
an amala fruit 庵摩罗果 *
the Amitabha Sutra 《阿弥陀经》 the Buddha Speaks the Amitabha Sutra 《佛说阿弥陀经》*
annihilated 断灭 *
anoint the crown of the head, empowerment or initiation 灌顶 *
analogy 譬喻 *
the Anuttarayoga Tantra 无上瑜伽部
the Anuttarayoga Great-awesome-virtues (Yamantaka) Honored One 无上部大威德一尊
aranya 阿练若 *
arisal of conditions 缘起 *
Ashvajit 马胜 *
the Attained Great Strength (Mahasthamaprapta) 得大势 *
attain to wisdom 开智慧 *
attendant 侍者 *
attract 摄Vimalakirtinirdesasutra
Auspicious Vinaya Monastery 吉祥律院
Avichi Hells 阿鼻地狱 *
awesome deportment 威仪 *

blessing / blessedness 福 (It depends on where to use.)
the bliss of Dhyana 禅悦 *
(bring forth) Bodhi resolve, Bodhi-mind, Bodhichitta/Bodhicitta or resolve for enlightenment (发)菩提心 *
Bodhimanda 道场 = Way-place *
body produced by intent 意生身 *
bow (to the feet of) 顶礼 *
bow repentances 拜忏 *
the Brahma Net Sutra 《梵网经》*
Bright-eyed Advisors 明眼善知识 *
the Brilliant Mantra of Six Words 六字大明咒 *
bubbling spring 涌泉 *
the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 无量寿佛 *
the Buddha's Universal Great Means Expansive Flower Adornment Sutra 《大方广佛华严经》*
the Buddha-spoken Ullambana Sutra《佛说盂兰盆经》*
Buddhist Association 佛协
Buddhist Canon = Tripitaka 三藏 *
calligraphy 书法 *
carry on the single pulse of the patriarchs' mind-transmission 推行祖师一脉心传
cast out the false and retain the true 去伪存真 *
catch on fire and enter a demonic state 走火入魔 *
cause and effect 因果 *
causes and conditions 因缘 (with emphasis on the theory, eg. 12 causes and conditions) *
celestial eye 天眼 = heavenly eye *
chandana 旃檀 *
change birth and death 变易生死 *
the Chapter of Dhyana Meditation 《禅定品》
Stopping and Contemplation 止观
the Chapter of the Universal Door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva 《观世音菩萨普门品》*
the Chapter of the Universal Door 《普门品》 *
chef 大寮
clarified butter 醍醐 *
clasp 搭扣 *
climb on conditions / seize upon conditions 攀缘 *
compliantly rejoice 随喜 = accordingly rejoice *
conditioned dharmas 有为法 *
consciousness devoid of filth 无垢识 *
the Consciousness-only 唯识 *
contemplation method 观想法
Continuous Walking / Standing Buddha Samadhi 常行/般舟三昧 *
convert (a person) 度(人) *
corpse-guarding ghost 守尸鬼 *
couplet 对联 *
cross over (a person) 度(人) *
cultivation and certification 修证 *
cycle of rebirth 轮回 *
cymbals 钹
Dakini 空行母
Dana 檀那 *
Danapati 檀越 *
Deer-Wilds Park 鹿野苑 = Deer Park *
defiling objects 尘 *
delusion 惑 *
demon hordes 魔民 *
demon spotting mirror 照魔镜 *
Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature 缘起性空
deviant pride 邪慢 *
deviant knowledge 邪见 *
Dharani 陀罗尼 *
Dharma Ending Age 末法 *
Dharma events 法事 *
Dharma is level and equal, with no high or low. 是法平等,无有高下.*
Dharma joy 法喜 *
Dharma assembly 法会 *
Dharma master 法师 *
Dharma Semblance Age 像法 *
Dhyana concentration / samadhi 禅定 *
diligent and vigorous 勤精进 *
direct karma 性业 vs contributing karma 遮业 *
Disseminate the Dharma 传法
division of seeing 见分 *
division of characteristics 相分 *
Don't do any evil, offer up all good conduct.
Dhuta practice 头陀行 *
dispel subtle delusions 除细惑 *
draw straws 抽签 *
the Earth Store Sutra 《地藏经》 *
efficacious / magical atmosphere 灵气 *
egocentrism 我执
eight virtues of filiality, fraternity, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, a sense of shame
Eight Winds 八风 *
elder Dharma Master 老法师
eloquence of delight in speech 乐说辩才 *
Empowerment 灌顶 (It's widely used for 'anointing head-crown', it's said it's better than 'initiation'. However, it shall only mean 'aid from gurus'.)
enlightenment of self, enlightenment of others, the perfection of enlightened practice 自觉,觉他,觉行圆满 *
erudition 多闻 *
essence, energy, spirit 精气神 *
essentials of the mind 心要 *
evil karma 恶业 *
evoke response 感报 *
exalted hero 大雄 *
executive 执事 *
exert oneself in ascetism 苦行 *
exploit conditions 攀缘 *
exploits of demons 魔事 *
external paths / externalist religions 外道 *
extinction 灭 *
fine comportment 威仪 *
fine mote of dust 微尘 *
five desires 五欲 *
five edible members of the allium family five pungent plants - onions, leeks, garlic, chives or shallots (scallions) 五辛 – 洋葱,韭,蒜,细香葱,大葱
five marks of decay 五衰相 *
Five Mysterious Meanings 五重玄义 *
five rebellious acts 五逆 *
five Skandhas 五蕴 *
Five-Syllable Mantra 五字真言 *
flattering and crooked mind 陷曲心 *
flesh-body Bodhisattva 肉身菩萨 *
the Flower Adornment Sutra 《华严经》*
Foremost truth 第一义谛 *
foul-mouthed 恶口 *
Four Additional Practices (Heat, Summit, Patience, Foremost in the World) 四加行 *
Four Applications of Mindfulness 四念处 *
Four-armed Gwan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) 四臂观音
Four Dharmas of Attraction 四摄法 *
Four Dhyanas and Eight Samadhis 四禅八定 *
Four Dhyana Heavens 四禅天 *
fourfold assembly 四众
four-stage Arahat 四果罗汉 *
freak-spotting mirror 照妖镜 *
(in) full-lotus posture 跏趺坐 *
Fundamental Honored One (often translated wrongly as 'personal deity or tutelary deity'. It's not a god!) 本尊
gather in all six organs 都摄六根 *
Gelukpa Order 格鲁派
Geshe 格西
gild image 装金 *
give rise to the Buddha's knowledge and vision 开佛知见 *
giving 布施 *
goblin 妖 *
gong 钟 *
good roots 善根 *
Good and Wise Advisor / Good Knowing Advisor 善知识 *
gossip 两舌 *
go to kitchen 过堂

grasping 取 (十二因缘) *
great affinities 大因缘 *
Great Brahma King 大梵天王 *
the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra 《大悲心陀罗尼经》*
great exemplars in the Three Realms 弘范三界 *
great golden-winged peng bird 大鹏金翅鸟 *
Great Vehicle / Mahayana 大乘
great wholesome silence 大善寂力 *
the Greatly Wise Manjushri Bodhisattva 大智文殊师利菩萨 *
ground incense 末香 *
Guest Prefect 知客 *
guru 上师
harsh speech 恶口 *
hateful 嗔 *
haughty pride 慢过慢 *
hear sutras 听经 *
Heaven of the Four Kings 四天王 *
Heavenly King of Increase and Growth 增长天王 *
Heavenly King of Learning 多闻天王 *
Heavenly King of the Broad Eyes 广目天王 *
Heavenly King Who Upholds his Country 护国天王 *
Heaven of Form Realm 色界天 *
heroic 勇猛 *
heterogeneous retribution 异熟报
hit wooden board 打板 *
hold mantras 持咒 *
Homa 护摩
homogeneous retribution 等流果
hooking and summoning 勾召 *
Horse-necked Avalokitesvara (Hayagriva) 马头金刚
hour stretches 时辰 *

humaneness 仁 *
an Icchantika 一阐提 *
idle theory 戏论 *
ignorance 无明 *
incantation 诅咒 *
inconceivable 不可思议 *
infatuation 痴爱 *
instruction 开示 *
initial resolve 初发心 *
initiation 灌顶
intense arrogance / great pride 大我慢 *
intermediate yin-body, intermediate existence body, intermediate-skandha body 中阴/有身 *
inverted bell 引磬
investigate a topic 参话头 *
investigate the Dharma 学法 *
irreversible 不退 *
Jambu River gold / Jambunada gold 阎浮檀金*
Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲
Jeweled Hall of the Great Heroes 大雄宝殿 *
Jokhang Monastery of Lhasa 拉萨大昭寺
kalavinka sound 迦陵频伽声 *
Kanakamuni 拘那含牟尼 *
Karmadana 维那师 *
Karman 羯磨 *
Karmic obstacles 业障 *
Kashaya 袈裟 *
keen faculties / sharp faculties 利根 *
Khadak 哈达
King Ajatashatru 阿奢世王 *
King Prasenajit 波斯匿王 *
kinnara 紧那罗 *
koti 俱祗 *
Kshana 刹那 *
Kshanti 羼提 *
Lama Chopa 喇嘛曲巴
A Lamp for the Bodhi-Way (Bodhipathapradipa) 《菩提道灯论》
Lang Darma 朗达玛
Lankavatara Sutra 《楞伽经》*
lay people 居士 *
Duobao Lecture Monastery 多宝讲寺 (多宝佛 Many Jewels Buddha* )
left-home people 出家人 *
light ease 轻安 *
open light 开光 *
lineage / tradition 传承 *
lion's roar 狮子吼 *
lion's throne 狮子座 *
living Buddha 活佛 *
loose speech 绮语 *
the Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法明门论 》
magnanimity 伟大精神 *
the Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra 《大般若经》*
the Maha-Parinirvana Sutra 《大涅盘经》*
mahoraga, great python spirit 摩睺罗伽 (大蟒神) *
majestic and adorned 庄严 *
make a full prostration 大礼拜
make obeisance to 顶礼 *
make three-step-one-bow pilgrimage 三步一拜 *
mandala 坛城
manas consciousness 末那识 *
manifest the stillness 示寂 *
the Manjushri's Five-syllable Mantra 《文殊五字真言》

many sharira (很多)舍利 *
Marpa 玛尔巴
Mati Panchen Lama 末底班禅大师
Maudgalyayana 目犍连 *
Medicine Master Buddha Who Dispels Calamities and Lengthens Life 消灾延寿药师佛 *
mendicant 乞士 *
Milarepa 米拉日巴
milk gruel 乳糜 *
mind consciousness 意识 *
monastic grounds 伽蓝 *
monk robes 僧袍 *
morality 持戒 *
morning recitation 早课 *
most virtuous and awe-inspiring 大威德 *
mound of flesh 肉髻 *
Mount Grdhrakuta 耆阇崛山 *
Mount Kukkutapada 鸡足山 *
Mount Sumeru 须弥山 *
Mountain Gate 山门 *
much learning 多闻 *
mudra arms 母陀罗臂 *
myriad virtues 万德 *
Nalanda Monastery 那烂陀寺
Namas Monastery 南无寺
newly ordained 新戒 *
Nirvana robes 涅盘僧内衣
Nishyanda body 卢舍那身 *
no mark of self 无我相 *
non-production and non-extinction 不生不灭 *
no outflows / non-outflows 无漏 *
no self 无我 *
noumena and phenomena 理,事 *
objects of touch 触 *
ocean's roar 海潮音 *
Of all the kinds of offerings
The gift of the Dharma is the highest
诸供养中,法供养最 *
One Enlightened to Conditions 缘觉 *
the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法》
ordination ceremony 授戒典礼 *
Ordination Hall 戒堂 *
the Ordination Platform 戒坛 *
the Ornament of Clear Realization 《现观庄严论》
outrageous pride 过慢 *
overweening pride 增上慢 *
palanquin 舆 *
Papiyan 波旬 *
parajika offences 波罗夷罪 *
parinirvana 圆寂 *
paste incense 涂香 *
pat / rub on the crown 摩顶 *
patience 忍辱 *
patience with the non-production of dharmas 无生法忍 *
patriarch 祖师 *
the Perfect Penetration Hall 圆通殿
perfect penetration without obstruction 圆融无碍 *
perfectly fused 圆融 *
pestilence 瘴 *
Phabonkha 帕绷喀
Physician King and Superior Physician 药王,药上 *
platform 坛 *
poluted thinking / false thoughts 妄想 *
poorly enclosed place 边地 *
pouch 囊 *
the Praise of Arisal of Conditions《缘起赞》
Prajna (literary, contemplative, true-appearance) 般若 (文字,观照,实相)*
the Prajna Sutra 《般若经》*
the Prajna Sutra of the Humane King Who Protects His Country 《仁王护国般若经》*
pratimoksa 波罗提木叉 *
Pratyekabuddha 缘觉 *
Pravarana 自恣 *
precept platform 戒坛 *
precept sash 戒衣 *
precept substance 戒体 *
preceptee 戒子 *
perpetuate the Dharma 令法久住 *
purify the boundaries for a the Dharma session 洒净 *
precepts and rules 戒律 *
precious king 宝王 *
(bestow) the Prediction of Buddhahood 菩提印记 *
primary meaning 第一义 *
primary truth 第一义谛 *
Production of Jewels Buddha 宝生佛 *
Proper Dharma Age 正法时代 *
Proper Dharma of Certification 证正法
Proper Dharma of Teaching 教正法
the Provisions for Concentration and the Way 《定道资粮》
public record 公案 *
pure youth and maiden 童男童女 *
purity of six sense organs 六根清净 *
radiates a light 放光 *
rage and hate 嗔忿 *
real mark / real appearances 实相 *
receive alms / go on alms-round 乞食 *
receive complete ordination under so and so 在某某座下受具足戒 *
receive full ordination 受具足戒 *
recline 卧 *
rejoice exceedingly 大欢喜 (profuse joy) *
relentless hells 无间地狱 *
repent and reform 忏悔 *
retreat 闭关 *
return the hearing and listen to the self nature 反闻闻自性 *
rever and honor 恭敬尊重 *
Rinpoche 仁波切 (meaning 'Jewel of Human Beings, or Great Jewel')
ritual procedure 仪轨
rub on / pat one's crown 摩顶 *
saffron water 黄丹水
Saha World 娑婆世界 *
Samaya precept 三昧耶戒
Samghati 僧伽黎 *
Many-pieced robe 杂碎衣 *
host's robe 祖衣 *
great robe 大衣 *
Kashaya 袈裟 *
mute-colored cloth 坏色衣 *
clothing for getting out of dust 离尘服 *
Sangha-arama 伽蓝 *
the Sangha and the laity 僧俗 *
Sangha's dwellings 僧坊 *
Santideva Bodhisattva 寂天菩萨
the Sea-vast Avatamsaka Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 莲池海会佛菩萨 *
schisms 不和合
Secret School 密宗 *
sectarianism 宗派 *
seize upon conditions 攀缘 *
self-mastery 自在 *
senior-seated one 上座 *
sense objects 尘 *
sentient beings 有情 *
serve in the kitchen 行堂
seven Bodhi shares 七菩提分 *
sever afflictions 断烦恼 *
shamatha 奢摩他 *
share-section birth and death 分段生死 *
(many) sharira 舍利 *
sharira-stupa 舍利塔 *
Shila 尸罗 *
Shurangama Samadhi 楞严定 *
simplicity and frugality 简朴 *
single-mindedness 一心 *
Six Paramitas / Six Perfections 六度 *
Six Spiritual Penetrations 六神通 *
Skandha-demon 阴魔 *
snow saussurea 雪莲
Snowy Mountains 雪山
Solitary Enlightened One 独觉 *
Sound-Hearer 声闻 *
South Potalaka Monastery 南普陀寺
speak the Dharma 说法 *
spontaneous 自然 *
Sramanera Precepts 沙弥戒
stern and pure in the Vinaya 严净毗尼 *
still quiescence 寂灭 *
stinking skin-bag 臭皮囊 *
stoppings and contemplations 止观 (shamatha and vipashyana) *
sublime abode 精舍 *
summer retreat 结夏安居
In Buddhism, there is a rule that those who have left the home-life must pass the summer in retreat. This rule came about because for 90 days, from the 15th of the fourth lunar month to the 15th of the seventh lunar month, the members of the Sangha lived in one place and didn't go anywhere.
a suona horn 唢呐
Superior Seated One 上座 *
supra-mundane-mind, renunciation 出离心
the Sutra of Contemplating Measureless Life Buddha 《观无量寿经》*
the Sutra in Forty-two Sections 《四十二章经》*
the Sutra of Manjushri's Questions on Prajna 《文殊问般若经》*
the Sutra of Medicine Buddha 《药师经》*
the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva 《地藏菩萨本愿经》*
the Sutra of the Tathagata's Lion's Roar 《如来狮子吼经》*
Sutra Division 经部
take refuge with 皈依 *
tala tree 多罗树 *
take across sentient beings universally 普度众生
take across to 度 *
take complete precepts 受具足戒 *
tally with 契合 *
teaching host 教主 *
Ten Doors of Discrimination of Worthy Leader School 贤首宗十门分别 *
32 Marks/Features and 80 Subtle/Subsidiary Characteristics of a Buddha *
thoughts of revulsion 厌离心 *
Three Evil Destinies 三恶趣 *
Three Evil Paths 三恶道 *
Three great asamkhyeyas of eons 三大阿僧祗劫 *
three kinds of intoxication 三毒 *
scroll 卷 *
Three Masters and Seven Certifiers 三师七证 *
Precept Transmitter 得戒和尚 *
Karmadana 羯摩和尚 *
Teaching Transmitter 教授和尚 *
three precept platforms for receiving the complete precepts 三坛大戒 *
Three Qualities 三性 good, bad, indeterminate 善,恶,无记 *
Three Realms 三界 *
three spiritual and seven physical souls 三魂七魄 *
the Three Sutras on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teachings 《遗教三经》
3,000 awesome deportments and 80,000 subtle aspects 三千威仪,八万细行 *
Thus Come One / Tathagata 如来 *
One Worthy of Offerings 应供 *
One of Proper and Pervasive Knowledge / One of Proper and Universal Knowledge 正遍知 *
One Perfect in Clarity and Practice 明行足 *
Well Gone One 善逝 *
Unsurpassed Knight Who Understands the World 世间解无上士 (One Who Understands the World 世间解; Unsurpassed One无上士) *
Great Regulator / Taming and Subduing Hero 调御丈夫 *
Teacher of Gods and Humans / People 天人师 *
Buddha 佛 *
World Honored One 世尊 *
Tian Tai School (Heavenly Vista) Five Mysterious Meanings 天台五重玄义 *
tin staff 锡杖
tip of a single fine hair 一毛孔 *
Torma 朵马
transform 度 *
Trayastrimsha 忉利天 *
Treasury of Emptiness 虚空藏 *
Tripitaka 三藏 *
Triple Jewel 三宝 *
true contemplation 如实观照 *
true suchness 真如 *
Tsampa powder 妥巴粉
Tsong-kha-pa 宗喀巴
tula-cotton hand 兜罗棉手 *
turbidity of the eon, views, living beings, afflictions, life span 劫浊,见浊,众生浊,烦恼浊,命浊 *
turn on the wheel of rebirth 轮回*
Tu****a Heaven 兜率天 *
Twelve Divisions 十二部 *
Prose 长行部 *
Reiterative Verses 重颂部 *
Bestowal of Predictions 授记部 *
Causes and Conditions 因缘部 *
Analogies 譬喻部 *
Past Events 本事部 *
Present Lives 本生部 *
Broadening Passages 方广部 *
Previously Non-existent the Dharma 未曾有部 *
Unrequested the Dharma 自说部 *
Interpolations 孤起部 *
Discussions 议论部 *
the Twenty Verses on Consciousness-only 《唯识二十论》 (《二十唯识》)
Ullambana 盂兰盆 *
ultimate 究竟 *
ultimate teaching 了义 *
Unintermittent Hells 无间地狱 *
Gathered Offering (tsog) 会供
Universal Worthy 普贤 *
Unobstructed Eloquence of Delight in Speech 乐说无碍辩才 *
uphold reverently 奉持 *

vaidurya 琉璃 *
Vairochana 毗卢遮那 *
Vairocana 卢舍那 *
Vajra Acharya 金刚阿阇黎
Vajra the Dharma King 金刚法王
vajra pestle 金刚杵 *
Vajra Powerful Lord 金刚力士
Vajra Secret –Traces Spirits 金刚密迹 *
the Vajra Sutra 《金刚经》*
vast vows 弘誓 *
vegetarian feast 营斋 *
vegetarian host 斋主 *
verse 偈子 *
Venerable Atisha 阿底峡尊者
view delusion 见惑 *
Vipashyin 毗舍浮 *
the Vimilakirti Sutra 《维摩诘经》*
the Everyday Vinaya 《毗尼日用》*
water purification 洒净
Way-place 道场 *
wearisome defilements 尘劳 *
Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss 西方极乐净土 *
whisk 拂尘 *
white robed people 白衣 *
the White Tara 白度母
wisdom of all kinds 一切种智 *
Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom 大圆镜智 *
Fair and Impartial Wisdom of the Nature 平等性智 *
Wonderful Contemplating and Investigating Wisdom 妙观察智 *
Wisdom that Accomplishes what must be done 成所作智 *
wish-fulfilling pearl 如意珠 *
work outdoor 出坡
worlds of the trichiliocosm 三千大千世界 *
world-transcending wisdom 出世智 *

Yamantaka(意為“偉大的美德”)13尊貴的人/ 13神Yamantaka大威德十三尊
Yellow Hat Sect 黃帽派
Yoga Tantra 瑜伽部

2019年6月9日 星期日


摘要: 保羅·懷特;周文標;李兆良 譯

He who studies without appreciating the insights of the wise men of old is no more than a copyist. He who holds office but loves not the common people is no more than a robber in official attire. Engaging in learning without refining one's conduct is behaving like a person who tries to live up conversations by quoting phrases from the scriptures that he does not understand. A career pursued without storing up virtue is as transitory as flowers that bloom and die before one's eyes.

(保羅·懷特 譯)

If a man keen on learning does not gain an insight into the essence of the works written by sages and men of virtue, he will be not any more than a hired copyist. if a man without official title cannot take care of his people, he will be no less than a bandit clad in court attire. If a man giving lectures on moral principles cannot earnestly practice what he advocates, he is merely a Buddhist monk reciting scriptures. If a man absorbed in his career development does not pay heed to self -cultivation, he is nearly a flash in the pan.

(周文標 譯)

Those who only consult books and not the sages are typesetters. An officer that doesn't care about his constituents is a robber in disguise. A teacher who does not practice what he teaches is merely a narrator. Doing a job without professionalism is like short -lived flowers, bloom and wilt in no time.


When your good reputation goes hand in hand with your high morals, you should not treat these achievements exclusively as your own, but share them with others. That way you preserve yourself from distant dangers. Shameful conduct and unsavoury reputation should not be foisted off entirely onto others, but some should be taken on your own shoulders. That way you can hide your capacities and cultivate your virtue.
(保羅·懷特 譯)
When a person has won a good name for his moral integrity, it is better for him not to reap it all alone, but to mete out some of it to others, so as to keep harm at a distance. When he is confronted with shameful conduct and unfavorable reputation, it is better for him not to shirk all responsibility and shift the blame onto others, but to undertake some of them, so as to avoid jealousy and help himself in moral refinement as well.
(周文標 譯)

2019年6月2日 星期日

https://youtu.be/P8AvLMIElKU 英文原文電影The Magic Of Ordinary Days觀後感
這種歲月中的平凡魅力真是溫柔又深刻,一個👌的愛情故事讓觀看者很是感動。多麼幸運的女人,多麼完美的男人,多麼令人嚮往的浪漫情懷。劇情單薄得正好,沒有轟轟烈烈,卻耐人尋味,這部影片一開始就讓人有一種舒服的感覺。女主角的造型很美,男主怎不會一見鍾情地愛上她,並給予她所有的包容和柔情。 是不是甜蜜的愛一個人,看眼神就懂了。 沒有跌岩的情節,沒有華麗的場景。 但就是那種細水長流讓人溫暖感動到不行。 尤其是那丈夫的溫情細膩與關心倒讓我的心裡立刻浮現了一個他!這是值得一看的電影🎬
