2015年6月8日 星期一

The Morning's first cup of coffee  kept me awake n surprised, amazed at no distinction between yesterday and the day before yesterday , marveling at the favorite two kinds of food i prefer much: the spirit food and body food, just thinking: Am I greedy ? ? ? Surprised that I have still had a lot of things that will be not done, which in an instant of time they are blown away by a fast gallop wind without a trace.



 著名的費斯汀格法則指出:生活中事10%由自己產生,另外的90%由我們對事件的反應決定。這個法則告訴我們,生活中90%的事件都由我們自己掌握。     費斯汀格舉了一個例子:卡斯丁先生洗漱時隨手把自己的高檔手錶放在洗漱台邊,他的妻子為了避免手錶被水打濕,於是把手錶放到了餐桌上,兒...