2023年12月13日 星期三


For me , a good way to live is that you never feel you are better than others. There is an old saying in China that Comparing good and bad with others will make you angry to death. A truly good way to live is never to be better than others, but to be better than your past self. Only by continuing to evolve yourself will you discover the enrichment of your life and the power of self-growth.



Google很神經很智障,會幫你亂改字~  一個真正深愛妳的人,會把妳放在他們生命中的重要位置,願意為妳付出時間和精力。 他們會時時刻刻注意妳的動態,關心妳的喜怒哀樂,在你 妳 需要時給予陪伴。 這種付出並非短暫的熱情,而是長期的、持續的。 他們不會因為時間的流逝而淡漠對你的感情...