2016年8月29日 星期一

Beautiful Kaohsiung , Taiwan
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​Energy: Generating criticism

In a field in a remote part of north-west Wales, a lone farmer cuts the grass, parcelling it up into hay bales which can be sold for a modest profit. His farm, and even the hill on which it sits, will soon be demolished by the Japanese-owned company Horizo​​n — ground zero in an ambitious scheme to build one of a string of nuclear power stations across the UK.

Wylfa, on the island of Anglesey, is one of several sites designated for the plants, which could cost up to £100bn and, if all goes to plan, will replace the UK's ageing coal power stations. But despite the billions of pounds about to be poured into nuclear energy in Britain, only some is likely to stay in the UK. Of the six plants being planned, none will be owned by a British company.
For nuclear power groups from France, China, the US and Japan, the UK's ambitious plans represent a ripe opportunity in an otherwise difficult global market. Following the meltdowns at the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011, several countries, including Japan and Germany, scaled back or cancelled their nuclear energy plans.
The lack of British participation in such a massive domestic programme has drawn opposition. Critics say the project represents yet another example of the country's propensity to allow foreign companies and governments to profit from the UK's most sensitive — and lucrative — infrastructure projects.
That critique appears to be shared by some in the UK government. When Theresa May, the prime minister, unexpectedly delayed the £18bn plant planned for Hinkley Point in south-west England, allies said it was over concerns about the involvement of two Chinese state -backed companies alongside France's EDF, the state-backed utility. Some officials see the plant as a matter of national security, warning that the Chinese state could have the power to turn off a large chunk of Britain's electricity supply.
一些英國政府內部人士似乎也持有同樣的看法。當英國首相特里薩•梅(Theresa May)出人意料地推​​遲放行180億英鎊的英格蘭西南部欣克利角(Hinkley Point)核電站計劃時,支持者們表示,其原因是英國對國有的法國電力(EDF )以及兩家中國國有企業的參與有顧慮。一些英國官員認為該核電站事關國家安全,他們警告稱,這或許會讓中國政府擁有切斷英國很大一部分電力供應的能力。
Mrs May's decision has caused consternation in Beijing, where officials had been reassured by the previous government's unflagging support for the project. She will tr​​avel to China next month to steady bilateral relations, and is expected to make a decision over the project around the time of that trip.
It is not just the country's nuclear reactors that are being built, financed or purchased by overseas backers. The owners of Heathrow airport include Spain's Ferrovial as well as Chinese, Qatari and Singaporean sovereign wealth funds.
不只是英國的核反應堆由海外投資者建造、出資或買下。希斯羅機場的所有者包括西班牙的法羅里奧集團(Ferrovial)以及中國、卡塔爾和新加坡的主權財富基金。英國的大型火車和巴士運營商Arriva由德國鐵路(D​​eutsche Bahn)所有。英國前首相戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)曾試圖吸引中國支持者投資英國HS2高鐵。
Arriva, one of the country's biggest train and bus operators, is owned by Deutsche Bahn. David Cameron, the former prime minister, tried to attract investment in the HS2 high-speed rail line from Chinese backers.
Made in Japan 
At Wylfa, the Hitachi branding on the cranes involved in initial groundworks give a signal of how integral the Japanese company, which owns Horizo​​n, is to every stage of the process. The entire station will be built in Hitachi City in Japan before being shipped over , piece by piece, to north Wales. Horizo​​n has submitted its design to regulators for approval, and will only make the final decision to go ahead after it has funding in place and made the necessary planning applications.
At Moorside, in the northern county of Cumbria, a company called NuGen is developing another site over the road from Sellafield power station. NuGen is a joint venture of Japan's Toshiba and Engie, the French utility, whose biggest shareholder is the French state. Its reactor has been designed by Westinghouse, the US industrial company, most of which is owned by Toshiba.
如果梅擔心中國有能力關閉欣克利角核電站,她可能更擔心法國電力、中國廣核集團(China General Nuclear Power)以及中國核工業集團(China National Nuclear Corp)組成的財團在英格蘭東部的計劃。該財團將在薩福克郡(Suffolk)的賽茲韋爾(Sizewell)開發一座新的核電站,之後兩家中國企業還希望設計和建造位於埃塞克斯郡(Essex)布拉德韋爾( Bradwell)的那座核電站。
If Mrs May is worried about the Chinese being able to shut down Hinkley Point, she might be even more concerned with the plans of EDF, China General Nuclear Power and China National Nuclear Corp in eastern England. After the consortium develops another plant at Sizewell, in Suffolk, the Chinese groups are hoping to design and build the plant at Bradwell in Essex.
Yet the UK was left with little choice but to source the new power stations from elsewhere, having seen its own skillbase dry up over decades of aversion to the construction of new reactors.
政治人士試圖把這變成件好事,稱此事展現了英國對外部投資多麼開放。10年前效力於工黨(Labour)內閣時支持核能、現任英國核工業協會(Nuclear Industry Association)主席的約翰•赫頓(John Hutton)表示:“政府決定不去選擇技術。我們的立場是任何具備可行技術的企業都能申請許可,而一個簡單的事實是,法國電力比其他任何企業都更適合來啟動這一複興。”
Politicians have sought to make a virtue of this, saying it shows how open the UK is to outside investment. John Hutton, a champion of nuclear power while serving in Labour cabinets in the previous decade and now chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, says: “The government decided not to choose the technology. Our position was that anyone with a viable technology can submit it for licensing, and the simple truth was that EDF were in a better place than anyone else to start the renaissance.”
Others argue that there was a different way to go about regenerating the country's nuclear power sector. Ministers could, for example, have asked companies to bid to build the stations and then negotiated on price and the benefit to the UK workforce, before building it at public expense.
諮詢機構Cornwall Energy分析師彼得•阿瑟頓(Peter Atherton)表示:“我們本可以製定一個由政府推動的核計劃,將成本降至最低。但我們所做的是跟大家說誰想建就可以建。這就是為什麼我們現在會看到這種混戰的局面。”
Peter Atherton, an analyst at Cornwall Energy, a consultancy, says: “We could have a government-driven nuclear programme to get it for the cheapest cost. But what we did instead was say whoever wants to build nuclear can do. That's why we 're seeing a free-for-all right now.”
Others are more critical. One nuclear industry executive told the Financial Times: “The government is happy for our energy infrastructure to be state-owned, as long as it is not the British state.”
Scaling up
At Horizo​​n's site in north Wales, the fact the project is being designed and built more than 9,000km away brings unique challenges. On one edge of the site a small dockyard services the 45-year-old existing plant, which is being decommissioned. That dockyard will be transformed into a deepwater port able to receive the 600-tonne reactor unit when it arrives from Japan.
To move the 600-tonne reactor from the port will require the construction of the world's biggest crane: a 200 metre-high vehicle that will carry it on specially built rail tracks across the 1,000-acre site, a process which could take several weeks.
The scale of the work will create up to 10,000 jobs at its peak but Horizo​​n says only 2,500 of them are likely to be sourced locally. The company is in talks to hire two-thirds of a planned holiday village nearby to house workers from outside the area.
So much of the work will be done in Japan that Horizo​​n is hoping to receive a government guarantee from the Japanese state to help finance it.
Among the local community on Anglesey, there is some concern over the sense that the project is being led by foreign companies. The island has an area of​​ about 715 sq km and is home to 70,000 residents, many of whom have lived there for generations. It has one of the highest concentrations of Welsh speakers in the country, at more than 50 per cent.
“他們會把外面的人帶到這裡來嗎?”一輩子都生活在安格爾西的貝森•羅伯茨(Bethan Roberts)問,“這會改變這個地方——項目帶來的就業機會或許不會落到本地人頭上。”
“Are they going to bring people in from away?” asks Bethan Roberts, who has lived on Anglesey all her life. “It could change the area — maybe the jobs that will come will not go to locals.”
“我們認為這會威脅威爾士語,”當地反該核電站運動的一個組織者迪倫•摩根(Dylan Morgan)稱,“修建第一座威爾法核電站就曾導致講威爾士語的人口比例下滑,這並非巧合。”
“We see this as a threat to the Welsh language,” says Dylan Morgan, one of the organisers of the local campaign against the plant. “It is no coincidence that the building of the first Wylfa plant led to a reduction in the percentage of Welsh speakers,” he adds.
Horizo​​n對這些顧慮十分敏感。核電站的負責人格雷格•埃文斯(Greg Evans)來自美國,但是他自2001年以來便一直生活在安格爾西,並且是當地足球俱樂部阿姆盧赫鎮(Amlwch Town)的主席。他稱:“目前安格爾西很多年輕人為了找到工作不得不離開。這是讓他們中的不少人能夠留下來的關鍵機會。”
Horizo​​n is sensitive to these concerns. Greg Evans, its site director, comes from the US but has lived on Anglesey since 2001 and is chairman of Amlwch Town, the local football club. He says: “A lot of Anglesey's young people have to leave in order to get work at the moment. This is a key opportunity to allow quite a few of them to stay.”
For the likes of EDF, Hitachi and Toshiba, the UK's willingness to press ahead with building nuclear power plants after Fukushima presents a rare opportunity to provide work for their engineers.
各國際開發商在英國承接工程的另一個主要原因是,英國核能管理辦公室(Office for Nuclear Regulation)被視為全球同類機構中最嚴格的之一。所有核電站設計都必須得到該辦公室的批准。法國電力的中國合作夥伴在英國投資的主要動機之一就是,當他們在國際上推廣自己的“華龍一號”(Hualong One)設計時,他們將被視為質量過硬。
The other main reason for international developers to build in Britain is that the UK's Office for Nuclear Regulation, which must approve all plant designs, is seen as one of the most rigorous in the world. One of the main motivati​​ons for EDF's Chinese partners to invest in the UK is the stamp of quality they would gain as they market their Hualong One design internationally.
The major hurdle for Horizo​​n and NuGen is that they must sell their visions to global investors. Both developers say they will build their plants for less than the £18bn it will cost to build Hinkley Point, but they will not say by how much.
For investors, the risks and the rewards are significant. Building a nuclear plant means spending billions of pounds, with no hope of a return until it is operational. But if the scheme reaches that point, the returns are generous, long-term and underpinned by government guarantees. The UK has agreed to pay EDF £92.50 for every unit of electricity it produces at Hinkley Point, more than double the current wholesale price.
“一旦建成,基礎設施項目將提供長期、低風險、高收益的回報,”Cornwall Energy的阿瑟頓表示。
“Infrastructure provides long-term, low-risk, high-yield return — providing it gets built,” says Cornwall Energy's Mr Atherton.
Import drivers
For many of those instrumental in shaping Britain's attitude to outside investment, this is all a sign of a healthy approach to building infrastructure.
前外交大臣馬爾科姆•里夫金德爵士(Sir Malcolm Rifkind)曾就讓中國企業幫助修建欣克利角核電站帶來的安全影響發出過警告。但是他支持該核電站項目所遵從的整體戰略:“我懷疑,限制允許參與這類項目的企業或國家的數量,可能會讓你無法用最少的錢辦最多的事。英國人從來都不這麼做事。”
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the former foreign secretary, has warned about the security implications of letting Chinese groups help develop Hinkley Point. But he defends the wider strategy behind the nuclear programme: “I doubt you could get real value for money by limiting the number of companies or countries you allow to be involved in projects like this. That has never been the British approach.”
For others, it is a sign of a more general failure that has exacerbated the country's long-term industrial decline.
“We are now using four different technologies from five different manufacturers simultaneously,” says Mr Atherton. “By doing that you minimise the opportunities for the UK supply chain. The builders will have to reduce the risk by importing lock stock and barrel from their home countries.”
In north Anglesey, locals are preparing for part of their island to be changed unrecognisably. Many worked on the construction of the original plant in the 1960s, and are hoping the reactors will provide a similar burst of employment and investment.
傑蘭特•瓊斯(Geraint Jones)曾經在當地大學Coleg Menai教書,該學校得到日立的資金支持,幫助培訓核工程師。“我兒子在老的威爾法核電站工作。新核電站非常重要。我只希望他能在那裡找到新工作。”
Geraint Jones used to teach at Coleg Menai, a local college which is helping train nuclear engineers and is backed by Hitachi. “My son works at the old Wylfa plant. The new one is essential. I just hope he can find a new job there .”
韓碧如北京、Kana Inagaki東京補充報導
Additional reporting by Lucy Hornby in Beijing and Kana Inagaki in Tokyo

The women who defined Hangzhou's history

Hangzhou has a charming beauty of a city that has intoxicated the Chinese imagination for generations. The city, with its dreamy West Lake, luscious green hills and many other picturesque scenic spots, has inspired a myriad of artwork, poetry and romances, many of which are associated with women.
Now let's turn the spotlight on several legendary female figures hailing from Hangzhou, whose stories from ancient times through to the 20th century can tell you a little more about this stunning city and its soul.

1. Xi Shi

Xi ShiXi Shi
​Xi Shi, whose real name was Shi Yiguang, could be one of the most renowned women in Chinese history, known as much for her stunning beauty as well as for the dramatic plot she was involved in. She is one of the “Four Beauties” of ancient China, and lived during the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, around 2,500 years ago.
Her story of romance, espionage and politics could come straight from a Hollywood blockbuster. The pretty woman first fell in love with a nobleman named Fan Li, but sadly this is no Cinderella story! At the time, the king of the Yue Kingdom, Goujian, was defeated by Fuchai, king of the Wu Kingdom, who enslaved his foe. As part of his secret revenge, Goujian sent Fan Li to seek out pretty women that could be offered to Fuchai as concubines, and that's when Fan met Shi.
Xi ShiXi Shi
​Shi finally fulfilled her mission as a beautiful female spy to contribute to the downfall of the Wu Kingdom, and her story made her a household name in China. However, her ultimate destiny remains a mystery, with some saying she lived out the rest of her days as a recluse with Fan. Hangzhou's West Lake (Xi Hu) is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi.

2. Lady Sun

Lady SunLady Sun
​Lady Sun was the younger sister of Lord Sun Quan, the ruler of the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period, and is believed to have lived around 200 AD. Her real name was Sun Renxian, although today she is more widely known as Sun Shangxiang, a fictional name created in Peking opera.
Like Xi Shi, Sun's destiny was also closely bound to politics. Sun Quan proposed that his sister marry Lord Liu Bei, the ruler of the Shu Kingdom, in a plot designed to keep him under house arrest.
But Sun Quan's plan hit a snag when the two really fell in love. Liu Bei later escaped Wu with Lady Sun, but the story took a sad turn when Sun Quan tricked Lady Sun, his own sister, into returning to Wu under the pretense that their mother was gravely ill. Lady Sun never saw her husband again, and when Sun later learned of Liu Bei's death, she committed suicide by drowning.

3. Su Xiaoxiao

Su XiaoxiaoSu Xiaoxiao
​Su Xiaoxiao, also known as Su Xiaojun, was a Chinese courtesan who lived in the city of Qiantang (modern Hangzhou) during the Southern Qi Dynasty (479–502 AD).
She is said to have come from a family of artisans, and she gained fame and attention for her beauty and poetry, becoming well-known throughout the region by her mid-teens.
But what made the beauty's name go down in history was her untimely death: she died at the early age of 19, and legend has it that she died of grief waiting for her lover to return. She was laid to rest in a tomb beside the Xiling Bridge over Hangzhou's famous West Lake.
The tomb of Su XiaoxiaoThe tomb of Su Xiaoxiao

​4. Lin Huiyin

Lin HuiyinLin Huiyin
​Lin Huiyin, also known as Phyllis Lin, was an outstanding architectural historian, but she remains best known as one of the leading female poets of the 1930s.
Lin was the envy of all women at the time. The favorite daughter of Lin Changmin, a high-ranking governor in the Beiyang Government, 16-year-old Lin Huiyin traveled with her father around Europe and the United States in the 1920s. Her western education gave her a broader outlook on life, inspiring her to study architecture and write poetry.
Lin HuiyinLin Huiyin
​Today she is fondly remembered for her poetry and romance with the poet Xu Zhimo. Lin inspired Xu's most well-known poem, Farewell to Cambridge, which still enjoys worldwide recognition to this day, and is marked by a marble plinth popular with tourists at King's College in the UK university city.​

University program passes test by raising foreign student quality

International students from Southwest University in Chongqing learn how to use a traditional Chinese mill to produce flour at a museum in the city. [Photo by WANG ZHUANGFEI/CHINA DAILY]

A university foundation program designed for international students receiving the Chinese Government Scholarship has helped China to find better-qualified recipients, according to an education official.
"After implementing the program for six years, we are seeing the government scholarship being granted to more high-quality international students," said Wang Shenggang, deputy secretary-general of the China Scholarship Council, in an exclusive interview with China Daily.
The council is a Ministry of Education institute that administers the scholarship.
Six years ago, it set up the university foundation program especially for students from around the world who want to pursue bachelor's degrees in China supported by the scholarship.
During the one-year program, scholarship candidates are asked to attend bridging courses. These include Chinese language and subjects related to their studies at Chinese universities to prepare them fully for four years of study in the country.
After this program, the students take a completion examination-a standard exam organized by the council that tests students' Chinese-language ability and knowledge of their future majors. Those who fail the exam lose the chance of being funded by the government scholarship.
The scholarship was set up after agreements were reached by the Chinese government and other countries or international organizations to support overseas students pursuing their studies or research in China.
During the past two decades, the scholarship has expanded greatly, both in terms of the numbers it covers and the amount of money it provides.
According to the council, 4,307 international students received the scholarship 20 years ago, while last year 40,600 students from 182 countries came to study in China with support from the scholarship.
In recent years, the number of recipients has risen by 13 percent annually.
Early last year, the ministries of education and finance announced an increase in funding for the Chinese Government Scholarship in view of the rising cost of living and studying for international students in China.
Recipients now coming to study in China are supported by a scholarship package ranging from 59,200 to 99,800 yuan ($9,000 to 15,000) a year, depending on their major and length of study. This is much higher than before.
For example, before the increase, recipients of the scholarship received a monthly stipend of 1,400 yuan, or 16,800 yuan a year. They now receive an annual stipend of 30,000 yuan.
Wang said 10 universities in China are offering the foundation program to more than 1,000 scholarship candidates who want to pursue undergraduate studies in China each year.
He said that in June, for the first time, all international students in the foundation program nationwide took the completion exam and the results were encouraging.
"An overwhelming majority of the students did well in the exam because they really felt motivated to study during the one-year program," he said.
"We believe that the program, together with the exam, is a practical way to improve the overall quality of the Chinese Government Scholarship recipients."
To better help the increasing number of recipients get to know more about China, last year the China Scholarship Council launched an event called Feeling the energy of China.
"Studying and living in China, one of the most fast-developing and dynamic nations in the world, students are not content with a superficial understanding of the country," Wang said.
"Apart from cultural experience, students also want to explore more places away from their campuses and they want to discover the reasons behind China's rapid development," he said.
More than 3,000 recipients of the scholarship took part in the event. They witnessed China's high-speed trains being made, visited manufacturers including the Haier and Sany groups, and went to live in the countryside for a few days.
The number of the scholarship participants this year is expected to exceed more than 6,000, Wang said.

2016年8月27日 星期六


2016年8月26日 星期五



























