2016年1月11日 星期一

"D minor Piano Concerto No. ancient" BWV 1052

Today, for the interpretation of these ancient piano works also appeared in two distinct approaches - using a real harpsichord or replaced by a modern piano. If you want  to have authentic experience  on these concertos, listening  to the versions which was completely used by ancient antique pianos and orchestra , it   is the most wonderful experience for sure , the most famous of which was undoubtedly Pinnock interpretation. Today modern piano works of Bach harpsichord recordings of these seems to be more common, the most popular were undoubtedly  Perahia and Gould of SONY releasing versions. Although  many people  seemed dismissive of   such modern and baroque musical approach;  although there are very large differences of their voices between harpsichord and modern pianos  on their sound principles,  it is undeniable that these pieces of modern piano works are still very difficult to resist their charm.

    "D minor Piano Concerto No. ancient" BWV 1052, Creation time is unknown, it is said it was a  transcription  based on  Bach's violin concerto  which has  lost . It has  three movements: 1. Allegro, 2,Adagio , 3 Allegro. The first movement was  inserted  very ornate harpsichord cadenza in two places.


    《d小調第一號古鋼琴協奏曲》BWV 1052,創作年代不明,據說此曲乃今日已失傳的巴赫小提琴協奏曲的改編曲,共三個樂章:1.快板,2.慢板,3.快板。此曲第一樂章有兩處插入了非常華麗的古鋼琴華彩。


