2011年1月20日,中國國家統計局公布2010 GDP數據,中國GDP總值十六兆美元,正式超越日本,成為全球第二大經濟體。自一八九五年甲午戰爭戰敗後,中國人第一次超越了日本人。在歷史的車輪中,中日關係中夾雜著太多的屈辱、燒殺凌虐,毀滅、戰爭、和山河破碎。
鄧小平曾這樣告誡過: 中國要崛起,就不能與任何大國正面衝突, 中國在國際政治上必須記住保持一件事:低調。習主席領導下的中國政府從不先惹事,而是老美見不得中國超越,要想方設法打到中國。
據外國很多測智商網站的測試結果是中國人是世界上最聰敏的人之一。國外有一本非常暢銷的書籍《當中國統治世界》,首頁中不斷地提醒西方讀者,中國真正殞落是1830年以後的事;在十九世紀之前,中國一直是全球GDP產值最高的國家,明末之前全球只有支那人能生產精美的支那(中國的英譯與瓷器同名)、美輪美奐無與倫比的絲綢和英國貴族在Low tea時間無法捨棄的茶葉。
2019年8月17日 星期六
2019年8月13日 星期二
Bodhisattva Volunteer Study
Bodhisattva Road is full of joy
Fo Guangshan's 24th Bodhisattva Volunteer Study Camp was held by Foguangshan Volunterr Association in 2019. The course began from March 9th to 10th, studying the attitude of volunteer service and the classification of volunteers. Nearly 250 people participated. Meanwhile, there were 57 volunteers who were involved in the workforce, including administrative, academic affairs, and team support. Master Hui Ping , the president of the Fo Guang Shan Voluteer Association said the staff arranged a large number of volunteers to join, so that they were familiar with the process and cultivated the ability to undertake.
The opening ceremony was held on the morning of the 9th in the qiyuan Hall ,Mazhu Garden, and was hosted and presented by the abbot of Foguang Mountain. The Master Xinbao said that volunteering is an indispensable part of Fo Guang Shan. If there is no volunteer participation, many things are difficult to achieve.He also explained that Bodhisattva is a person who gives birth to Bodhicitta, that is, he or she is an enlightened sentient being. he or she is enlightened and being enlightened. ,A “Bodhisattva” is a sage of the Great Vehicle. “Bodhisattva” means “one who enlightens sentient beings.” and if bringing forth the odhi resolve Bodhicitta, which can make this society more happy and peaceful. At the moment, you can do "six degrees" - giving, holding, forbearing, advancing, meditation, prajna, and six thousand lines in the Bodhisattva.
The master Xinbao said " If using one day going to cultivate Dharma , you can get the merits and virtues on that day , but if not using one day going to cultivate Dharma ,you can get nothing on that day, " , which shows that the true Buddha is in daily life, and can make progress in the heart, and joy will be full of vitality and strength. Quoting the master of the Nebula Hsing Yun, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are all volunteers of Buddhism, and they have no hesitation in carrying forward the Buddhism. Everyone is Bodhisattvas at the moment he or she does the volunteering deeds.
Li Hong ,who was a member of the 19th Bodhisattva Volunteer Training Camp. He said that when volunteering, he learned how to treat others. He will retire this year, hoping to start a new and heart-felt journey and learn to accept the Dharma. “From the first day, when volunteering, I was deeply rejoicing. I served in the Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple ( Dizang Bodhisattva Temple). I learned from the Buddha how to become humble Every time I was happy to welcome the people , and then I saw them leave happily . The joy in my heart is indescribable. “ said he.
Since the contact with the Buddha Light in 1995, Chen Xiumei have experienced the work of the cadres , last year, she began to serve in the Volunteer Associaton, she participated in both large and small activities. she was happy when she saw everyone was happy. she agrees that "volunteer is the asset of Fo Guang Shan" and hopes that more volunteers will join through volunteer training. “Let's work together” said she .
Translated by Elizebeth Dong
Bodhisattva Road is full of joy
Fo Guangshan's 24th Bodhisattva Volunteer Study Camp was held by Foguangshan Volunterr Association in 2019. The course began from March 9th to 10th, studying the attitude of volunteer service and the classification of volunteers. Nearly 250 people participated. Meanwhile, there were 57 volunteers who were involved in the workforce, including administrative, academic affairs, and team support. Master Hui Ping , the president of the Fo Guang Shan Voluteer Association said the staff arranged a large number of volunteers to join, so that they were familiar with the process and cultivated the ability to undertake.
The opening ceremony was held on the morning of the 9th in the qiyuan Hall ,Mazhu Garden, and was hosted and presented by the abbot of Foguang Mountain. The Master Xinbao said that volunteering is an indispensable part of Fo Guang Shan. If there is no volunteer participation, many things are difficult to achieve.He also explained that Bodhisattva is a person who gives birth to Bodhicitta, that is, he or she is an enlightened sentient being. he or she is enlightened and being enlightened. ,A “Bodhisattva” is a sage of the Great Vehicle. “Bodhisattva” means “one who enlightens sentient beings.” and if bringing forth the odhi resolve Bodhicitta, which can make this society more happy and peaceful. At the moment, you can do "six degrees" - giving, holding, forbearing, advancing, meditation, prajna, and six thousand lines in the Bodhisattva.
The master Xinbao said " If using one day going to cultivate Dharma , you can get the merits and virtues on that day , but if not using one day going to cultivate Dharma ,you can get nothing on that day, " , which shows that the true Buddha is in daily life, and can make progress in the heart, and joy will be full of vitality and strength. Quoting the master of the Nebula Hsing Yun, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are all volunteers of Buddhism, and they have no hesitation in carrying forward the Buddhism. Everyone is Bodhisattvas at the moment he or she does the volunteering deeds.
Li Hong ,who was a member of the 19th Bodhisattva Volunteer Training Camp. He said that when volunteering, he learned how to treat others. He will retire this year, hoping to start a new and heart-felt journey and learn to accept the Dharma. “From the first day, when volunteering, I was deeply rejoicing. I served in the Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple ( Dizang Bodhisattva Temple). I learned from the Buddha how to become humble Every time I was happy to welcome the people , and then I saw them leave happily . The joy in my heart is indescribable. “ said he.
Since the contact with the Buddha Light in 1995, Chen Xiumei have experienced the work of the cadres , last year, she began to serve in the Volunteer Associaton, she participated in both large and small activities. she was happy when she saw everyone was happy. she agrees that "volunteer is the asset of Fo Guang Shan" and hopes that more volunteers will join through volunteer training. “Let's work together” said she .
Translated by Elizebeth Dong
2019年8月12日 星期一
董譯Elizabeth Dong 將弘法者之歌 星雲大師詞翻譯成英文
2019 3 20
The Song Of those Who is Promoting the Dharma
Lyrics by The venerable master Hsing Yun
Text translated by Elizabeth Dong ( Dong Yee)
The sky the Milky Way hangs
The moonlight shines the minds
Around the wild the insects chirp.
The human’s hearts blur
The Savior Buddha blesses me
Happily and joyfully
Work for Buddhism and all beings.
The Venerable Purna
When preaching, suffered a murderous brutality.
Sacrifice life without hesitating
Only hope that Dharma can be thriving.
We Buddhist members strugle together
Work hard to be a pioneer
Never afraid of the devils
Never afraid of the obstacles..
Personal happiness is not that important .
For holy Buddhism performs our divine merit
Buddha song reverberates through the skies
Dharma voice rouses dreams
The wind flows around
All beings’ sufferings are endless
The Savior Buddha blesses me..
Proclaiming Dharma truth is flying high
The Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana
When seeking Buddhist faith, met with bandits
No fear of being smashed to pieces;
Only wish the Dharma would be prosperous
We Buddhist members strugle together
Work hard to be a pioneer.
Come hell or high water
Walk step on fire
To shun no difficulties and dangers
Dedicated to Dharma promoting
Personal happiness is not that important
Only for the Holy Buddhist glory and luster
2019年8月8日 星期四
今天是農曆二月十九日,漢傳觀世音菩薩聖誕,殊胜日請吃素、放生、供燈、誦經、獻花、行善等,並發心念誦觀音菩薩心咒:嗡嘛呢唄美哄!迴向、祈願世界和平安寧!祈願家人、朋友平安喜樂!南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩! 🙏南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩! 🙏南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩! 🙏
Today is on February 19th of the Lunar calendar . The Guanyin Bodhisattva birthday in Han Buddhism. Please enjoy vegetarianism, release the captive animals free, offer the lighting, chant sutra , offer the flowers, do good deeds etc, today, chanting the Six Character Great Bright Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva : “Om Mani Padeume Hum”, and then please pariṇāmanā ~ reading the transference aloud to give the virtues back to karmic creditors. Pray for the world peace and safety ! Pray for family and friends to be peaceful and happy! Namo the greatly merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva ! 🙏Namo the greatly merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva ! 🙏
English translated by Elizabeth Dong (Dong Yee)
Today is on February 19th of the Lunar calendar . The Guanyin Bodhisattva birthday in Han Buddhism. Please enjoy vegetarianism, release the captive animals free, offer the lighting, chant sutra , offer the flowers, do good deeds etc, today, chanting the Six Character Great Bright Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva : “Om Mani Padeume Hum”, and then please pariṇāmanā ~ reading the transference aloud to give the virtues back to karmic creditors. Pray for the world peace and safety ! Pray for family and friends to be peaceful and happy! Namo the greatly merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva ! 🙏Namo the greatly merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva ! 🙏
English translated by Elizabeth Dong (Dong Yee)
2019年8月2日 星期五
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