2015年9月20日 星期日

If love is a city, then it is Prague (enjoy the movie The Unbearable Lightness of Being )

If love is a city, then it is Prague. Kafka said: Prague is unshakable. Goethe said: Prague is the most beautiful cities of Europe. Mozart said: my best time of life was spent in Prague. Nietzsche said: "When I thought of using a word to express music, I found out Vienna; but when I wanted to use a word to express the mystery, I only thought of Prague.
如果愛情是一座城市,那麼這座城市叫做布拉格. 卡夫卡說:布拉格是不可動搖的。歌德說:布拉格是歐洲最美的城市。莫扎特說:人生最美好的時光是在布拉格度過的。尼采說:“當我想以一個詞來表達音樂時,我找到了維也納;而當我想以一個詞來表達神秘時,我只想到了布拉格。


