2015年9月28日 星期一


Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Apple's Tim Cook were among those invited to sit at the dinner's head table alongside PresidentsBarack Obama and Xi Jinping. http://cnn.it/1FzjZgR

A high-wattage collection of Hollywood studio chiefs and technology big-wigs convened at the White House.

    • Kyle Steckel China robs us and Obama wines and dines them. Lovely...
      回覆769月26日 10:42
      • 隱藏28則回覆
      • Tommy Mealer Why not? They're helping obama to weaken our country.
        回覆29月26日 10:49
      • China VS Philippines You guys have to do something about it, like refraining from putting your businesses in China.
        回覆189月26日 10:56
      • Kai Tsai Probably Obama didn't understand China good enough that's why he keeps dealing nice to them...
        回覆39月26日 11:16已編輯
      • Moshe Steinbaum China robs you? Lol. America wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for China. China "owns" you is more accurate!
        回覆149月26日 11:23
      • Kai Tsai You also live under the rocks , friends , family members of them and thinks so,... wasn't for China my foots...
        回覆29月26日 12:00已編輯
      • John Kelly If you really want hear big business scream, cut them off from China! Go ahead.
        回覆49月26日 12:02
      • Jens Thiberg Moshe,

        Hate to tell you, the US would be just fine without China. 

        Tell me again, what exactly is it they sell us, what product exactly is it they invented that we so desperately want?
        回覆59月26日 12:07
      • Kai Tsai Another idiot , I am a part of them and know them too well... they've not gonna last well for the long run...
        回覆29月26日 12:09
      • Ansumana Kromah Jr. Or u can go to the white house and complain to Obama instead of talking nonsense on here
      • LeBlanc Juker Jens Thiberg for your information China just ordered 300 boeing jets from the Boeing company so without china all the major investors would be unhappy and thus fk the government up. get it?
        回覆49月26日 13:44已編輯
      • John Wolver China will buy america soon!!
        回覆19月26日 13:52
      • Suzanne Brunner The same people complaining that Obama met with him are the ones that complain Obama is not doing enough in regards to China. You cannot please these people no matter what.
        回覆89月26日 14:26
      • 丰锐叶 To you uneducated idiots, 1. China doesn't rob anybody. 2. China is our huge debt owner, period!
        回覆129月26日 17:12
      • 陈菲菲 China rob what? 
        回覆29月26日 19:28
      • Kyle Steckel China manipulates their currency to make it near impossible for the U.S. to compete. Also, they charge us taxes to import our products, while our incompetent leaders allow Chinese products to enter the U.S. without any taxes or tariffs (probably due to our leaders being bribed). However, don't think for a moment that China manipulating their currency isn't a direct response to the U.S. We need real leaders in this country that are willing to stand up to China's unethical practices in the ways they compete with the U.S.
        回覆29月26日 20:13
      • Cap B Willi Clinton And Obama both mortgaged the country to China
        回覆39月26日 20:22
      • Lilia Guan China just sent a naval fleet to fight IS alongside US...why hate on them?
        回覆39月26日 20:40
      • Daniel Hermoso Kyle that's called business...it also shows how cheap Americans are...I don't see why you call it unethical blame America for not being able to compete.
      • Chang Fong Chua You give the red necks a bad name ... first of all you blame china for keeping their currency high. Then now you blame them for letting it fall? Make up your mind. 

        And what you are complaining about is in fact something called competition and with
        out trade your country will not be able to make all those dodgy deals and leveraged. And Fyi your country also have their own tariff and protectionist policies ... much more than many other countries in fact.

        So basically, stop whining, shape up or ship out.
        回覆29月26日 21:42
      • Shan D Rhine You understand the amount of money we owl them ?
        回覆29月26日 21:59
      • TJ Mahoney It's called know your enemy. Ever heard of it? Probably not, head stuck in the sand.
        回覆19月26日 23:13
      • Oliver Watson What the China rob from us. I think you should have said USA companies gave it to China by moving their business to China
        回覆49月27日 1:05
      • Jens Thiberg Leblanc juker,

        Oh wow, they bought Boeings, wow, well that makes their industrial spying quite okay. 

        Guess what, Aeroflot buys Boeing and Airbus, because no one wants to fly on Chinese or Russian made jets. 

        China sells one thing, and one thing only, cheap labor, most nations would call their way of doing business slavery.
        回覆19月27日 9:32
      • Kirk Edward China, is annexing islands around Japan and the Philippines. You know our allies? China is actively cyber attacking us, launching warships in our domestic waters. It's called the samething Obama is doing with Iran. Appeasing our enemies and spitting on our allies.
        回覆19月27日 9:52
      • Jo Ann Showalter American business getting cheap labor and cheap goods is who is robbing us...and guess what consumers are enabling the Chinese bases businesses by buying cheap goods....we are robbing ourselves. Se way we don't want Mexicans here but we want them to clean our toilets and make our beds and pass us our cheap fast food.
      • LeBlanc Juker Jens Thiberg what if I told you that USA does the same? They too spy on others. In addition, buying planes do not make industrial spying okay but neither does USA being a superpower means that they have the right to spy on others too. For your information China makes almost everything you are using right now USING that cheap labor that you are talking about. Without it, will you have iPhones, Tablets, Samsung products or even daily necessities.
      • LeBlanc Juker So don't make judgements that are retarded because of the fact that you know nothing about these two countries.
      • Mike Tsyvilyov smile表情符號

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