2015年5月27日 星期三


Dear GB members and our friends:
Time flies.GBCLUB has started to welcome its second year since it set up last May! With a warm heart I wish to express my most sincere thanks to all of you for your unwavering care and support of our GBCLUB at this moment! It is well appreciated that you shared with us your precious time to attend all of our club's events.
As I reflect on our club's events, I was moved. Most members came to our club's events,including our club's old and new friends. Those who came to support us always do,there are 365 days and nights that filled with beauties and the most handsome of you here the best, the social elite and respected leaders.
For us, GBCUB's management and members are the great gift of inspiration that drives us all to do better and be better and serve everyone better. This gift also comes especially from those who have supported us, encouraged us, and offered great suggestions so that we could improve – month after month. It is testimony to your efforts that we have achieved some today. ​​We know it is you who has made this possible.
One year has passed. Through the whole year, GBCLUB's journey has been driven by an identity that supports our CLUB'S name, our brand, and our image. We see ourselves as part of TAIWAN,even China's cultural significance. We are confident that in the years to come we will continue to grow. We will continue to uphold GBCLUB's culture , spirit and purpose to display an evolving face, always new – always exciting – always yours! We will do this together ! And let's do it together!
We're looking forward to seeing many of you to join us and become one of us!
回想我們一起參與的俱樂部的活動,我被深深的感動! 大多數會員參與其中也樂於其中。包括那些總是支持我們的新老朋友。在此地,在這365個日日夜夜的充滿了美麗和最帥氣的所有-你們--以及那些社會的精英和尊敬的長官們!我們深知是您們給予了我們莫大的鼓舞和激勵,支持著我們不斷的完善自己。特別是一些給我們提出了很多寶貴建議的朋友們!我懷著一顆感恩之心,真誠地感謝你們陪我們走過了整整一年的風雨征程!是我們共同的努力,才成就了今天的喬棋俱樂部!
一年了,您和我們共同見證了喬棋俱樂部的成長、發展。這成績屬於您,屬於我,也屬於我們全體俱樂部的優秀會員們。一年的努力發展,一年的勵精圖治,喬棋俱樂部在我們的精心呵護下彰顯著她獨特的文化品牌魅力。在今後的歲月裡,我將和我的會員們一起,繼續秉持著喬棋俱樂部的文化精神與宗旨,再接再厲,讓喬棋俱樂部以更動人的面貌展現在您的面前,我會與我們的會員們一起傾盡全力,將喬棋俱樂部打造成我們中國人,台灣人自己的娛樂文化品牌。讓我們共同祝愿喬棋俱樂部吧!我期待著與您相約!我們期待著看到更多的你們的加入,成為我們的光榮的一員! ! !
喬棋俱樂部 及 伊麗莎白!


