2019年6月9日 星期日


When your good reputation goes hand in hand with your high morals, you should not treat these achievements exclusively as your own, but share them with others. That way you preserve yourself from distant dangers. Shameful conduct and unsavoury reputation should not be foisted off entirely onto others, but some should be taken on your own shoulders. That way you can hide your capacities and cultivate your virtue.
(保羅·懷特 譯)
When a person has won a good name for his moral integrity, it is better for him not to reap it all alone, but to mete out some of it to others, so as to keep harm at a distance. When he is confronted with shameful conduct and unfavorable reputation, it is better for him not to shirk all responsibility and shift the blame onto others, but to undertake some of them, so as to avoid jealousy and help himself in moral refinement as well.
(周文標 譯)


