2024年8月24日 星期六


The method of the “Vessavaṇa". Simply put, it is the "God of Wealth Method". It is different from the "Five-Way God of Wealth" that we are generally familiar with. The "Vessavaṇa" is also one of the four famous heavenly kings in Buddhism, and the "Vessavaṇa" who protects the north. Master Bao Chan of Lingjiu Mountain said in an interview with "Sanli News Network" that the "Vessavaṇa" likes and responds most to the four types of people who are kind, enthusiastic, optimistic, and godly and loving.

What you need to know about the four heavenly kings: the patron saint of the north: bestows you with abundant wealth and avoids worries

Master Baocan of Lingjiu Mountain explained that the four heavenly kings are the patron saints of Buddhism.

East: King Dhritarashtra

West: Guangmu Tianwang

South: King of Growth

North: The King of Wenwen

Among them, the King of Wen in the north is the "King of Treasures" who is known as the treasure manager. The Sanskrit name is "Bishamonten" (the same batch as Bishamonten). His main job is to take charge of the treasure treasury, save all sentient beings, and fulfill the wishes of all sentient beings. There are also eight gods of wealth who assist Him in managing the treasury of the eight directions.

The most sincere oath. He said in front of Buddha that people who follow Buddhism don’t have to worry about money.

Master Baocan further mentioned that when Sakyamuni Buddha was still alive, the King of Treasures once swore in front of the Buddha: "I am willing to transform into a Dharma protector to protect the Dharma, so that all those who diligently study Buddhism can have wealth." There is no need to worry, and all bad causes of poverty, disease, and suffering are eliminated, and good karma, wisdom, lifespan, etc. are increased.”

The Heavenly King of Treasures has a predestined relationship with Tantric Buddhism and transformed into a Wheel-turning King to eliminate the poverty and obstacles of all living beings.

It is recorded in the esoteric tradition that the Heavenly King of Treasures has been accomplished countless kalpas ago. The Buddha's name is "Many Treasures Buddha". He also vowed to become the "King of Wheels" to eliminate all kinds of poverty and obstacles in all living beings, perfect the Seven Sacred Wealths, and make Those who study Buddhism diligently will have a smoother path.

Are you the four types of people that King of Treasures loves most? Kind, enthusiastic, optimistic and godly

Master Bao Can said that the Buddha statue of "King of Treasures" is enshrined in the "Treasure Palace" on the 2nd floor of "Lingjiu Mountain Wusheng Dojo" - Wenxi Hall. In 2020, it will have a new look. In addition to the new painted mandala, there is a "Five Five" in front of the main mandala. "Prayer Jar for the God of Wealth", and various treasures for attracting wealth. We follow the rituals and practice rigorously for 3 days every month to attract wealth, luck and wisdom. The believers are very happy after hearing the Dharma. That is to say, the following four types of people are most affected by the "King of Treasures".

1. Kind people: Kind people are caring, and a house that accumulates good deeds will always be happy, and the King of Treasures will like it.

2. Enthusiastic people: Gentlemen have the beauty of adults, people who like to help others have good karma, and the King of Treasures likes them.

3. Optimistic people: People who are not afraid of setbacks and difficulties and can maintain a positive mood in everything will be liked by the King of Treasures.

4. God-reverent people: People who like to get close to Buddha and worship Buddha, implement Buddhism into their lives, experience and share the benefits of learning Buddhism, the King of Treasures likes them.

The Heavenly King of Wealth, the God of Wealth, wears gold armor and sits on a white lion lying on the ground.

When we actually came to the "Treasure Palace", the "Treasure King" was majestic and kind at the same time. He had a "bronze body with one face and two arms gilded with gold", "wearing a crown of five Buddhas on his head", "wearing gold armor" and "holding a treasure umbrella cover in his right hand". "The rat with the treasure spitting in its left hand" is sitting on the "white lion lying on the ground" in the "Bodhisattva's wishful sitting posture". It is also mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures that before Sakyamuni Buddha entered nirvana, he asked the four heavenly kings to protect the Buddha's Dharma. The "Treasure King" immediately bowed before the Buddha and vowed to protect those who practice the Dharma, bestow wealth and supplies in the world, and fulfill the wishes of all living beings. .

The Treasure Palace has the "Prayer Jar for the Five Gods of Wealth" with 5 colors and 5 meanings

Master Bao Chan explained that in front of the main mandala of the "Treasure Palace" there is a "Praying Jar for the Five Gods of Wealth", namely the Yellow God of Wealth, the God of Red Wealth, the God of Green Wealth, the God of Black Wealth, and the God of White Wealth, each with its own meaning.

1. Huang Wealth God increases merit and prays to free all sentient beings from poverty, eliminate bad karma, and make wealth abundant.

2. The Lord of Red Wealth fulfills his wishes and prays for talents, wealth, and good fortune to be gathered freely.

3. The God of Green Wealth is responsible for a successful career, praying for good deeds to be fulfilled, and good luck in worldly and Dharma wealth.

4. The God of Black Wealth eliminates ignorance, prays for the elimination of bad luck, bad luck, and removes obstacles such as enemies, illness, and theft.

5. The White God of Wealth removes illness and pain, prays for quelling disasters, away from poverty and poverty, and increases good karma.


