2021年12月31日 星期五


和大家一起對抗疫情 和大家一起節衣縮食 和大家一起役中取樂 和大家一起開源節流 和大家一起宅在家中 和大家一起線上作樂 而我,被惡人陷害, 劫後餘生 ,不,還在孤軍奮戰中,但最大的幸運是有一些正直良善 不畏強權 不同流合污 是非分明的朋友們守護在自己身邊, 而各位朋友,戰勝了恐懼,勇敢奮斗在抗疫、抗疾病,抗通膨,抗所有的天災人禍中,,,, 努力學習,努力健康,努力工作,努力生活著。 。 。頑強拼搏。 。 。 。 …… 這每一個瞬間每一個曾經都彌足珍貴。每一個自我小小的成就,每一個私事家事天下事匯聚成波瀾壯闊驚濤駭浪的2021年。 宇宙浩渺,天意無測,歲月悠長。 2022年,我會頑強拼搏堅信正義並擁抱希望迎接勝利。 願所有的善良正直的朋友們 學有所得, 勞有所得 做有所得 平安快樂, 願, 疫情早日過去, 家人朋友安康, 願, 生活更加幸福美滿, 各民族都繁榮富強, 願, 慈悲喜捨,感恩關懷 願, 這世界上的所有,如大家所願! 願我所推動的大中華留學生全球總會能為世界的進步和平與友誼做出努力和貢獻。 最後Liz(麗滋)祝大家虎虎生吉(戶戶)虎虎祥和! 2022,1月1日

Looking back at 2021, there were so many "unforgettable meanings"—— 
Fought the epidemic with everyone 
Saved food and clothing with everyone 
Had fun with everyone 
Let everyone increase revenue and reduce expenditure 
Stayed at home with everyone 
Had fun like everyone did online 
And I, framed by the wicked, came through with hard time, , No, I’ve been still fought alone, 
but the greatest fortune for me is to have some friends guarded by their side, 
who are integrity and kindness , 
Not afraid of power, 
do not associate with the evil , 
know what is right and wrong . 
 my friends, overcame fear, 
and bravely struggled in the fight against epidemics, diseases, inflation, 
and all natural and man-made disasters,,,, 
Studied hard, 
worked hard, 
lived hard. . . 
Fought tenaciously. . . . ... 
Each of these moments and each ever have been precious. Every little self-achievement, every personal and family affairs, and the world's affairs converged  into a magnificent and turbulent year 2021. 
The universe is vast, the will of heaven is unpredictable, and the years are long. 
In 2022, I will work hard and firmly believe in justice and embrace hope for victory.
 May all kind and honest friends 
get something from learning , 
Do paid from work ,
Do something Safe and happy, 
 The epidemic will pass soon, Family and friends will be well-being, 
 Life is happier and more fulfilling, All ethnic groups are prosperous and strong,
 Compassion and joy, gratitude and care 
 Everything in this world as everyone wants!
 I hope thatGCIOSGF I promote can make efforts and contributions to the progress, peace and friendship of the world. 
Finally, Liz wishes everyone a good life and peace of the tiger year! 
2022, January 1 


